What is VIP discount at checkout

I’m not a fan of Black Friday / cyber Monday - so did not take advantage- but tried to use an old code when checking out - but it’s no longer valid - but noted there is an area where you put in a promo code - but also says VIP - and my question is - who is a vip and can I be one …. (I have never been a vip - but sounds nice) :lovehoney_heart:

I’m currently still receiving the VIP promotions - every $100 spent I later receive a code for $25 off a purchase. Unfortunately in the US store codes can’t be stacked, so I’ve had more than one expire before I get a chance (usually about 90 days).

In my math, if I fill a cart to $75, I can use the $25 code and still get free shipping for $50+ which is essentially 33% off purchase, better than any other codes I’ve seen stateside. Or I can put as close to $25 in the cart and just pay shipping - which used to be $10, but the US store recently lowered its base shipping rate a few dollars for a slower method, so it may make that option more appealing for me.

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Het @batjamboree you are a VIP to me with all the great advice, support and encouragement you’ve provided recently.

Wear the VIP badge :medal_sports:with pride you deserve it

Interesting @LRLRL , I was a VIP in the initial beta testing bit and got the emails and discounts but haven’t had any in about 6 months and just assumed it had stopped :thinking:

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I’m still getting them £15 for £60 spend here in the UK
I’m so important lol


Stop it … your making me blush :blush:

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Thanks for the heads up - have good weekend :paddle:

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Hmm, I wonder if my email has just started filing them in junk? :thinking:

…To be fair, it’s started doing the same with my work payslips for some unknown reason! Tad annoying.

Apologies @batjamboree , but thank you for the topic, it’s been informative. Not sure what criterior you have to meet or if it’s been officially rolled out yet.

The only downside to VIP codes is they can’t be used with any other codes so you have to weigh up which works out best and whether to save it for a time with less discounts going

I think it’s maybe just for people who were in earlier schemes LH discontinued - not sure if it is open to new people but Brenna might know better

I’m still getting the same as @Melody1 from being on the initial beta test.

I have no idea what’s going on with it, but I hope we’ll eventually be able to stack discounts :crossed_fingers:t2: (wishful thinking I know!)

It’s interesting if there is a VIP discount option now on checkout, I might have a play around!

EDIT: I get this. Even though it says promotional codes can’t be used with discounted items, both my VIP code and carers discount worked (separately).


I have no idea how you get a VIP status, but know there are always many codes etc floating around. In my eyes like others have said @batjamboree would be on my VIP list anyway and is a Very Important Person.

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