Me personally am really horny and have been for the last 24hrs despite having sex twice.
I’m in a very submissive mood and have just gotten a new collar I’m really wanting the moment to come where my partner tells me to stop what I’m doing and collars me, puts my restraints on and well…need I say more?
I’m a bit down and stressed. My daughter has some health issues which need dealing with but am having to wait atm and I’m not very patient. I’m also tired which doesn’t help
I’ve had a good day today
We had a little time to ourselves today, had my wicked way with him two today (nothing new there really) then the afternoon round my mum’s. Hubby treated me to a takeaway for dinner now we’re cuddled up on the sofa, and watching tele
Im feeling relaxed today as I’ve got an extra day off
Also im very horny i haven’t orgasmed in over a week and spent yesterday with a butt plug in all day ,could get a bit messy later.