What unusual smells do you like?

Coal tar soap ( reminds me of my dad )

This might seem a little weird but I like the smell of PVC, it reminds me of a plastic umbrella I had as a kid .

Shoe polish :P

Slinkyrat i had a gerbil who used to smell like biscuits, loved it :)

For the bf, it's new born puppies.

New carpets
Vapour rub

They are my three favorates :)

When you have a beef stew on the hob or a casserole in the oven. Throw in the bay leaves and the house fills up with the smell of home cooking. :)

Oil, petrol and old scrap metal.

Reminds me of my Dad :-/

And honeysuckle.... Everyone on my estate had it growing in their gardens so when I used to walk to the shop with mum in the evenings the street was alive with the scents of all the flowers especially that x

Smell of a new car, petrol and mint.

wildflower wrote:

This might seem a little weird but I like the smell of PVC, it reminds me of a plastic umbrella I had as a kid .

I love the smell of latex and PVC though for non-umbrella related reasons

Gas (petrol), pipe tabacco, and new car I totally agree with. I would add incense and some baking smells.

I know this is weird, but ever since I was around 6 or so, the scent of a woman’s worn shoe bricks me up like nothing else.

Bonfire/ fires and freshly brewed filter coffee

There is a specific smell of old computers after working for a while and getting hot. I like it a lot but maybe because of memories.

And petrol too