Whats your experiences/recommendations on pelvic floor exercise machines with electrical pulses

I’m really interested in the pelvic floor machine, would you recommend, im not wanting it for leaks im more wanting it to keep everything tight and my orgasm i found isn’t as intense as it was prior to having a child.

have you tried? did it work?

Hi :wave: @MasterOfSexToys hope you don’t mind I’ve just taken out the specific make of machine as your likely to get more responses on general experience with the machines.

Not fully sure myself as only used the kegal / manual type ones and exercises for overall health / muscle strengthening.

I know the electric ones stimulate the main motor nerves, contracting and tensing etc but not sure how effective they are and think they are for those who struggle more with finding the muscles to do manual kegal / pelvic floor exercises. Also heard you have to spend lot of time using the machines to take effect.

I had one for tummy muscles and had to spend lot of time using / positioning right on muscles… and saw no benefit / improvement and went back to traditional exercise.

Re tightening then yes the exercises definitely helps strengthen the muscles and tightness.

Thinks with any form of exercise it takes time to understand best technique and then persistence / daily/weekly routine to see results.

Hope that helps a little :star_struck:

I cannot offer any advice on the machines but I wish you all the best. I am sure someone here will be able to advise you.

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I have a manual set from another site, i have worked up in them and not seeing benefit as finding hard to work the right muscle. Its an odd one as i have no bladder issues so doctors aren’t interested as. Its since childbirth and in recent months now starting to personally affect me. I think as a woman you become insecure about things and i have.

I use a kegal 8 and much recommend it .

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My wife used one as recommended following childbirth due to prolapsed vagina. Contrary to what is seen in porn video, prolapses arent that sexy in that they are quite a discomfort on a daily basis.

The tens machine and dedicated insert helped loads. She used it for 6 or 9 months in all. She very rarely gets a prolapse now (last one around a year ago after heavy handy work), and 7y after child birth and very regular sex life now as kids sleep well, her vagina has gotten a little tighter i think.

Whatever it is, we’re having the best sex of our life right now. After 20y + together, we know what we like.

For what it’s worth, from my male perspective, i dont think her vagina being tighter is better. Just different.
Im just glad she doesn’t really get prolapses anymore as they were very uncomfortable for her.
She seemed to orgasm just as well when looser than now.

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I purchased the itouch sure from here as received it today, i have used it the once, i still think i need to play with settings or turn up intensity. Time will tell, i will then come back to update you.

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