When did you last have sex?

Had a great romp yesterday afternoon. Started with some relaxed side-by-side play: wifey had her Womanizer and old faithful dildo, I had some good play with my p-vibrator. When she was getting close to cumming, I got on my penis extender so she could keep with the Womanizer and she got on top. She went hard on top with the Womanizer for a big O, then flipped over. Off came the extender and I finished in doggy. We both needed a shower after that.

Interested to know from other lovers of the Womanizer: I see many reviews and comments from folks that it’s a hard and fast orgasm for them, but my wife really seems to enjoy prolonging her use and having one very built up orgasm instead of a fast release. What are your experiences with it - uncontrollably fast or long and really really milking it?