Who has surprised their doctor?

Oh no. Sorry to hear that part. I have to admit after years of exploring both online and in person I have never been able to discuss with someone the type of anatomy you have described in various posts. Kind of mixed feelings about your experience. Part of me feels your doctor should have listened a little bit more but also get that this isn’t what they teach in med school either.

My anatomy is highly unusual. Normally, genital variations tend to occur in folks who also have chromosomal variations. XXY, XXX, XXYY, stuff like that. I’m strange in that genetically I’m a “normal” 46XX female. Yet I’ve got a huge clit, a prostate, two urethral branches, and some other wacky stuff jammed in there. My pelvic area is unusually “busy.” Fortunately for me, everything works. But even if I wanted gender-affirming surgery to fit more fully in my boy form, I wouldn’t be a candidate because the likelihood of messing things up is super high.

The doctor was going along with standard practice when she felt an unexpected mass and some other things…usually that’s bad, bad news. It was a really stressful couple of days for me. I had gone to a larger city to find a doctor who could look at me. I thought it would be a day trip, but it turned into 3 days. I had to wait until lab results came back and we paired things up with imaging. Multiple appointments, lots of bills…

Oh, I forgot to mention the orgasm at the ob-gyn. I cum easily, and they gave me this cute young redhead doctor to handle me. I always have a female doctor, but usually I get the middle-aged, kind of motherly one. Even then, I usually stress out and most of the time I go with my GF or somebody else. I dread being touched, or even being in a medical setting.

Well, anyways they give me this cute redhead, and I was already into her when she walked into the room. Just hot, with the prettiest lips and the deepest blue eyes you ever saw. During the exam, she puts her hand on my stomach and then slips two fingers inside me. She warned me first, but I swear she found my G-spot in the first 2 seconds and I lost it. I usually make sure to empty my bladder and ejaculate (if possible) before doing medical stuff, so at least I didn’t dump a bunch of cream into her hand. But it was noticeable. And she’s like, “does that hurt?” I was too embarrassed to say the truth, so I just made some excuse about being tight. Pretty sure she knew it was BS, and that she’s had it happen before. It didn’t help that GF was kind of smirking…

I know for sure that my GF had an orgasm during a vaginal ultrasound. The probe is practically a dildo, and the tech has to move it around in there. Stimulate that area, its gonna happen.

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Incredible posts @awkward-yet-sweet . Wish I had a keyboard at home during the week to reply better. Very personal and very descriptive. Next question I have is you have mentioned “your faith” in several posts. Do you mind me asking what this is so I can do a bit of research? No challenges to be had. Just looking to understand better.

Likely right but body mod is also involving Still tons of vanilla docs out there as well.

You are likely right that most doctors and nurses have likely see it all these days. Have to wonder if the really vanilla ones still struggle with acceptance though.

I‘d say given her job, you‘re not wrong.
I think experienced medical workers are super used to all sorts of things. Doctors working in Gynae roles are going to be well aware of involuntary responses. I guess she was probably trying to save some embarrassment for all present by deflecting the conversation to whether you were in pain/uncomfortable. At a wild guess, it might be considered super unethical to blur boundaries by suggesting out loud you’d just had a great big orgasm, and/or giving you a knowing wink! :flushed:

My first prostate exam, by comparison, had absolutely zero involuntary responses. The doctor wasn’t my type, and his cold finger and cold lube didn’t do anything for me! No vibrations either thankfully. My body does love vibes! :sweat_smile:

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I have 3 nurses in the family and believe me, they’ve seen it all!


And in the sexual health clinic the staff really are hard to surprise…

All in a days work.


I would have thought exactly the same but in our SW group we have a recently retired nurse who was amazed when she had had to examine an Asian gentleman with a shaved pubic area.
She was speculating on whether it was a unique Asian trait.

I was on the point of telling her that I am completely shaved apart from my legs but I could see the look in my wife’s eyes and I thought better of it.

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LOL… funny how one’s OH always seems to have that ability.

Well, you won’t find us online…not even a sign by the road. I’m part of a small community, all living in the same local area. Our beliefs are kind of a combination of features from different groups.

You’re right for sure on that one. And thankfully it wasn’t even a great big orgasm. One of the smaller ones…so at least it could be gracefully covered up.

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[quote=“awkward-yet-sweet, post:33, topic:306252, full:true”]

I believe I understand what you are saying @awkward-yet-sweet . My wife participated in communale living for most of a decade. Very much needed at that point in her life but didn’t work out in the end due to some unfortunate situations. Good for me (us) though. We would have never met had she not gone on her own.