Why did you choose your username?

cause its our name :)

Could possibly be because I'm a long haired long bearded biker.

I always think its such a shame that most women prefer a clean shaven man as a long beard can be quite stimulating or so Mrs HB says!

People kept calling me it !!!

It's my name? Lol.

My name is because i have a huge thing or vampires, particlularly Willow from buffy when she is a vampire for a couple of episodes, i have the buggest crush on her,

yeah so i just thought it sounded nice too

I had no idea that vampires hold such an attraction for so many people!

I've never found them sexy to be honest, but what is it about it all that does it for you guys? I'm curious! x

Seen on a car number plate at a show and made me giggle


Never thought of the whole biting and blood = penetration and bodily fluids thing!

I had often wondered why in vampire movies there were such a strong sexual element! I can't say I'm into vampires...but I kinda understand now!

Tell that to the latest vampire movie. Lesbian Vampire Killers, anyone wanna go see???

Yeah, thought not.

my thing for vampires only happened when i got into alyson hannigan. im straight like, but she is so sexual. i think she's amazing.

i think its the idea of someone being so powerful they can make you do anything, i don't rightly know to be honest, just liked it since i was about 13 hehe

My Initial is W and my girlfriends is A

Aandw just looked liked I couldn't spell Andrew.

So my name is not WandA!

Mine came from a Japanese friend of mine. Apparently it means 'fire angel' in Japanese.

i like my dick being licked simple as that...don't you ?

i think about sex too much

I love the character Arwen in The Lord of the Rings and when I was setting up my email addy I had to think of something else to go on there as arwen was taken. Angelarwen just stuck.

My initial is J, my OH's is G and because I shop on LH for both of us, I just put them together phonetically. People do actually call him Gee.

Because its something i used to say alot lol when i got something wrong xx

It was something no-one would ever connect to my real life.

A random name that means something to me and nobody else

mine was from my gaming name when me and my chap used to play counterstrike source lol, i either use steelpink or davamp

It's my asl - I'm British, I'm female and I was born in 84. Although some people think that the 'Brit' bit means my name is Britney or I'm a fan of Ms Spears.