Why do people add/accept friend requests?

Just this once

I generally stay invisible unless I have time to chat because I more often have time to browse threads whilst doing something else but I don't have time to invest what's needed into a full conversation very often! I also have some friends who are passing ships so to speak. Many nocturnal members who may be about earlier but don't tend to post until late meaning I can miss them but if I see they're online on chat but not posting I can say a quick hello!

We also have a fair few lurkers who used to be regular posters so it's nice to chat to them from time to time.


Ha, I only just realisd there was a chat! lol

Even though I have a couple of friends, dont know if I was invisible though, never been spoken to

it used to nark me, now i look at the profile if its anything to do with "business" i just ignore it, if i accept and they post on line without saying anything in chat i delete, whats the point? I think some like a huge friend list to seem popular Cant think of any other reason

yummy mummy91 wrote:

Why do people add/accept friend request if they aren't going to talk to the person?

Or stay invisible on chat?

Sometimes people flit on and off the forum while doing other things meaning that they don't always have time to chat. That doesn't mean they shouldn't add people they regularly converse with as friends though.

Don't forget that chat is a by-product of the forum - not the other way round - and is only one part of the Lovehoney community. If you find that your friends are too busy to chat then you can still interact with them on the forum.

i always free to chat wen online

I add all of my requests because it's great to feel such a part of a community; however, I never even realised there was a chat function! :D

I suggest friends be renamed chat buddies, to save all the confusion and so people are less tempted to add people just to look popular. ;)

I haven't got around to trying chat yet, but I've added a few people I like the sound of, it's not a popularity thing, it's just being friendly... Hope that's not annoying anyone!

I have never added people to look popular. I am happy with 3 or 4 friends, however sometimes when someone posts something or if post something and they agree or we have had a good debate, they add me or i will add them. Some people are lonely and really need friends. I dont think anyone here adds friends just to look popular. Even if they do, so what? Their choice!!

dee you never acepted me and now I will have a hissy fit

Crikey, I had to look back to make sure I did put a smiley face in my suposedly humerous post!

gunther wrote:

dee you never acepted me and now I will have a hissy fit

I did accept you before but you deleted me for some reason

dee i deleted every one I had 40 requests in a week mainly from cam girls I couldnt tell whit fre shit, i have a question not personal but private

I don't see how adding people to look popular don't see what they would get from it tbh

I add/ accept people to talk to I like to think I'm a friendly person

i think its like facebook/myspace/twitter.

some people just want to 'collect' friends and people.

i put in friend requests and am always happy to chat, post reviews, comment on forums. surely thats the point of having a profile and not just being a 'quick express checkout' style of customer?

Or maybe in the forlorn hope of hot rampant cyber sex.......If you can type dorty werds at 100WPM add me LMAO

gunther wrote:

dee i deleted every one I had 40 requests in a week mainly from cam girls I couldnt tell whit fre shit, i have a question not personal but private

You had a flood of requests, so you deleted all your exisiting contacts? Could you have ignored the requests?

I will admit, I don't often speak on chat. I have friends on there that I have accepted, a few people in this thread have added me and I've accepted but never spoke to. So it seems they've deleted me.

I feel if you add somebody then you should speak, it's a two way thing?

There are definitely people that collect friends. I have two younger sisters who actually argue over who has the most friends on FB!

I also noticed I had floods of requests when I changed my avatar from a cartoon to a cleavage shot! Don't think many people added me to get to know the person....

I have said Hi to most people who have added me, some with no response..so they get deleted.. and I have no interest in cyber sex with people, so they get deleted too... I know this is a sex orientated forum, but that doesn't mean I have sex on my brain 24/7!