women with curves Vs. skiny

LadyS wrote:

Rosehip that sounds like a lovely memory. Now you mention it, I actually find a tight little vest and a pair of regular everyday knickers quite sexy too. Possibly sexier, than sexy undies.

There's something really nice about that inadvertent sexiness, isn't there? ![](upload://5BDs2y1gm13l2R58ovmAMxyNM3f.gif) The meds were killing my libido until this afternoon.... Anyone know a middle-aged lesbian who's comfortable in her own skin and single? ![](upload://9xFhXP6neHrYtSJ6GTOlM10MIsf.gif)

In all seriousness though, can we please use this thread to celebrate how magnificent women are, in all of our shapes and sizes? EVERYONE? PLEASE?

We don't need to put anyone down in order to compliment others.

I love a woman's body and its differing attributes. I just knew that this post would cause our usual debate. A woman's body is an amazing thing. It is to be admired, lusted after and revered. I have struggle not to to see something positive in the female form other than when if it is clinically obese. Even thin ladies are sexy too me. We must never forget the person behind the body and their mind. Desire of the form is a tiny part of the attraction, it is wonderful to have that amazing hourglass figure but if the woman has no depth of mind or even worse is not prepaid to use her gift of a desirable body then it is far less desirable.
Most women find something not to like about there bodies, but in reality their lovers and partners don't even consider it.
If I was able I would love to empower all women to understand that the body is just the first impression. The mind of a woman is the most sexy thing, their thoughts on how to use their bodies and what they want to do with it to please their lovers and also most importantly for me the acceptance of what pleasure their bodies can give them.

My wife is of average build and height, but what she is prepared to do to please me and herself makes her stunningly beautiful to me.

I love curves boobs and bums ![](upload://ez5kOkpKXRZOxjavAURYmQxVTau.gif)![](upload://ez5kOkpKXRZOxjavAURYmQxVTau.gif)

Who cares about size as long as she does as she's told :-D

Does it matter whether she is curvy or skinny? Its actually the understanding between you and your partner. I have come across many women who can be really curvy or skinny but i didnt like them and didnt even think about having sex with them and that was because of there attitude and the way they were. I would take any body size as long as i get on with her.

Well I can see that this thread has been as thought provoking as I hoped. Personally I see a woman can be sexy and attractive no matter if they are skinny or have a few pounds.
I am glad to see the stereotype that we all have to be skinny to be attractive is not as rampant as it used to be.
Most men I knew in the past, used to say that it is far less important to them in the long run as women think it does to them.
As a woman with curves, and a few extra pounds, I agree we are all as sexy as we "feel" ...and if you feel sexy, you project it too. If you feel like crap.... That's the image you end up projecting.
Confidence in your self is far more important, and I find that men want to be able to have a woman who is confident in themselves.
I am encouraged to see that this does not present as much of an issue that sometimes is perceived.
If you are thin... You are sexy... If you have curves... You are sexy in a completely different way.
Celebrate it and embrace it.😏

Over years I've always been attracted to curvy rather than skinny females; this may not be PC to some, but so what.

Over years I've always been attracted to curvy rather than skinny females; this may not be PC to some, but so what.

I love a curvy woman. Somthing to cuddle. But as long as they are healthy and happy they can be whatever size they like. Its not for me or anyone else to tell them how too look :) everyones beautiful! Xxx

Valid point loulou, but I'm not likely to end up in bed with a skinny female.

Neither am I!πŸ˜‰
Neither am I likely to ever become oneπŸ˜€ I like my curves, and I would hate to waste all my energies on achieving my slim self when I was a teenager.... Life moves on...2 kids and many years later... You develop into a more curvatious shape.
Sure I would not mind a few pounds lighter, but not to the point where I don't feel like a sexy woman. I feel sexier now than I did when I was a teenager..πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‚

From where i am sitting no one in this world is totally happy with there body. As common people we look up to the celebrities and they are the ones who have all these nose job, boob job, tummy tucks etc etc etc. Its a human nature that we can never be happy and will always want more but personally speaking the more there is the more i can play with ;)

I think it is the same with age, a woman occasionally thinks that younger skinner women will be more attractive to men,.... But with a bit more age comes bags of experience to dip in to😁
Us lasses on the 2nd time in the pond can know more than you think... And we have bigger appetites to do more interesting thingsπŸ˜‡

"we have bigger appetites to do more interesting things" O DAMMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN

I have always said that its more fun to go with experienced women as you get to learn more with them. Its not always about pleasing yourself. If you try to learn in everything than you would become the best in everything and the same goes for sex.

If I was young, free and single then skinny for a one night stand and curvy for a long term relationship, my wife's curvy, and I don't like big boobs!

I have a bad case of body dysmorphia, which I receive treatment for, and I've learned through therapy to get as far away as possible from "fat" or "skinny" and focus on being healthy. I know that BMI isn't always accurate, but I always aim to stay in a healthy BMI range, although I do always aim to be at the very lowest point of the healthy range of BMI which is something that I'm working on. But it's made me realise how people, including myself, always focus on being fat or aiming for being skinny, when no one seems to aim for being healthy. Being too skinny, or being too fat is just as dangerous, and more people should be aiming for being healthy.

This is a big deal to me, and I think more and more people are being diagnosed with BDD because of the way that society things we should be, when really we should all just aim for being healthy. I've gone through phases where I don't want to leave the house because of how bad it is. I can't stand having pictures of myself around my home, or pictures of me online. Some people actually upset me because they say they have body issues, and I feel sorry for them, but then they'll have post pictures of themselves on social networking basically half naked or uploading constant 'selfies' and it hurts me that people think they have these issues when they don't know the half of what it really involves to have severe body issues. It's not something that can be taken lightly, and it just makes me think these people who claim to have body issues are nothing but attention seekers. It's a constant struggle for me. Some people think that it makes me feel better by saying I'm beautiful or I have nothing to worry about, but when you have issues like this you can't help but think it's just people trying to make you feel better, and it turn it just makes you feel worse because you think people are lying to you.

This whole idea of having fat and thin needs to be forgotten about, and more people need to aim for being healthy, before more people end up being in the same boat as me.

I aplaude your candor Mrs.
Our self image of what we " should" be sometimes hangs on a missconseption of what we think other " think they want"... When in truth it doesn't mean anything!!
Part of the poi t of posting g this thread was to reinforce that point, that it is is all about perceptions...
Sometimes we hold an ideal in our heads and measure ourselves by it, when in truth actually the opposite is more appealing.
Striving to be a healthy, happy person is far more appealing to your own self esteem an how you are viewed by others than if you are trying to keep yourself as skinny as a rake!
In the main, everyone here has taken the view that, the so called skinny is best, is just not holding water. Most admit that curves are far more alluring than some women give them credit for.
With age comes curves.... With having kids.. Comes curves... Having a few health issue.. Comes curves.... But the bottom,line is.... Curves ARE sexy, and embracing it can be very rewarding. Striving to be an " ideal" is never healthy, especially if it ultimately affects you negatively.
Be healthy and happy with yourselves, and you will have just as much fun.

Curvy women for me definitely, my OH is curvy with nice size boobs and a little mummy tummy, id do wonder if you subconsciously prefer what you cuddle up to, never used to be into curvy women but my favourite (apart from the OH of course) is Rachel Aldana, lovely and curvy!

But even people having "curves" is a far cry from being healthy. Someone could be obese and still class themselves as being "curvy" when really, it's not healthy to be obese.

There shouldn't be an option. People should be aiming for someone that is healthy, and someone who's life is prolonged because of that. Being out of the range of a healthy BMI will decrease your life span, when ultimately when people are looking for a partner they want to spend the rest of their lives with them, so you would want them to have as long of a life as possible.

You're saying that the "bottom line is curves ARE sexy", I don't agree with that. Healthy should be sexy. Not a certain shape. And as I say, curves can be very unhealthy.

Yes man wrote:

but my favourite (apart from the OH of course) is Rachel Aldana, lovely and curvy!

Finally a sensible post in this thread ;)