Would you be embarrassed if people found out about your toy collection?

So, having a bit if a sort out yesterday, my partner intercepted me putting toy packaging in the recycling bin. He didn’t want me to put it in the recycling bin in case anyone saw it. Personally, I’m not at all bothered if they do. I relented and took it out of the recycling bin so it’s now in the garage waiting to be taken to tip.

Would you be embarrassed if people found out about your toy collection?

  • Yes - Friends
  • Yes - Immediate Family
  • Yes - Extended Family
  • Yes - Neighbours
  • Yes - Colleagues
  • Yes - Other
  • No - I couldn’t care less!

0 voters


The only people in the whole world I would care about are the kids and that’s only while they’re too young.


My neighbours and colleagues are very Conservative, and I’d worry about it affecting relationships, but friends and family know and love me so I doubt it would fuss them!


I work in a very male environment and I’d rather my boss didn’t know, or rather, wasn’t told. Anyone who stumled across me here I’d be fine with because it meant they’d been on the forum and were interested and I love talking sex toys with anyone genuinely interested.

My friends, neighbours, family - I wouldn’t mind in the slightest. My parents already know I have a large collection and review for Lovehoney and the neighbours have seen enough boxes in the recycling to have a fair idea! :rofl:


I’d only really be bothered by my dad finding out. My sister already knows cos I buy vibrating gifts for her too :grinning:


Not in the slightest


I do have to say it would be quite embarrassing If my colleagues found out.
being a vary take charge type of guy in a shop full of men
.for them to know at home I’m the only one at the receiving end of penetration.
my wife can’t have piv for medical reasons


I would definitely be embarrassed, but at different levels. If it was my grandfather or my husband’s dad or brother, I’d be mortified :cold_sweat: but if it was just my neighbor where I’m renting, it’d just be a little awkward :see_no_evil:

@Baby_Jane I’d really like to gift my sister a few things, but not sure how she’d react :roll_eyes:


Do you talk about relationships with her already? Maybe you could veer the topic onto “something you saw/heard the other day” (like a LH blog post with interesting stats) and gauge her reaction as the conversation develops?

I didn’t used to go into sex detail with my sister (still don’t to any great depth) but we just so happened to get talking about bullet vibrators one day, and we decided to grab her iPad and source some new ones online, just to see if they’d changed much in 10 years. Once I’d bought some LH outlet AAA battery bullets (to compare with our old relics) and discovered the forum, I showed her some of the Mantric range, and she was as much taken with the modern rechargeable stuff as I was, so I started grabbing them in pairs when they came up on DOTD.

I also bought a suction toy from elsewhere that arrived with the casing all scratched, and they sent me another one out FOC. It was otherwise working fine so I gave it to her.

You know, now that I’m typing this, I think that my LH discovery has actually helped my relationship with my sis as well as my OH, because we talk much more openly now. :woman_shrugging:

If you feel like you can, I would say to definitely test the water with your sister @PKH It could end up bringing you closer :slightly_smiling_face:


I have a burner out in my garden…I happen to have a fire every time I get a Love honey delivery lol

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I was looking for a gif but doesn’t seem to be any but the one in particular is Charlie (the hot red head) from Supernatural saying “h*ll no!”

Omg, I mentioned to my sister about the boxes I got my stuff from LH in, not expecting her to have heard of them because I still think of her as my lickle sister (honestly, I was horrified to see her snogging someone when she was 22 :rofl::rofl:) but blow me down with a cucumber, she had!!

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Really only if my parents or partner’s parents saw (more-so my own parents though :sweat_smile:), or if grandparents saw :woman_shrugging: Just would be a bit awkward so if I get orders when home I make sure to be the one to take the boxes to the recycling bin :rofl: I know my parents neighbors well (known them since I was born), so that’d also be a bit awkward :sweat_smile: Honestly couldn’t care less about anyone else :rofl: We keep our bedroom door closed if people visit and make sure not to open our special drawer in the TV stand, but other than that no :woman_shrugging: Had a chat with a friend about sex and our shared love of Lovehoney last night as a fact :rofl: Probably wouldn’t want colleagues to find out, as I feel that kind of crosses a professionalism line :sweat_smile:


I wouldn’t be embarrassed by anyone stumbling across the toy collection, family and friends already know. I was a bit embarrassed a few years ago when my dad came across the under bed restraints when helping hubs take the old bed apart n put a new one up. Since he brushed it off by trying to embarass hubs asking “what are those for” I’m no longer phased. I can’t think of anybody I’d be embarrassed with, even the kids age appropriate I will use the opportunity to talk to them about sex n self pleasure. When they’re too young to know anything I’d say “there big girls and boys toys” n hope that ends the interest :sweat_smile:


I would imagine that you’d have even more chance of being discovered with the boxes trying to personally take them to the tip, rather than anonymously in your domestic bin…?

I wouldn‘t say embarrassed, as such. I don‘t feel there‘s anything to be ashamed about.
I‘d be mostly concerned about the person finding the toys misunderstanding the intentions and usage of some toys, or jumping to wild conclusions and judgements. So I can‘t say I don‘t care what others think either​:thinking:

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No not with toys as it’s sexual pleasure just the same as sex. But I would be embarrassed about the lingerie I have including panties as those most would see as womens wear.

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No not at all… just my kids.

Think more adults have them or at least have had them in the past.


I don’t think my wife would be too worried about her close friends finding them but I would be mortified if anyone found them. I am intensely private.


Yes and no lol :joy: I would if relatives and my parents found out or anyone for that matter but then once they had I’d probably not care less. Think it’s the initial talk you get once they find them that makes me embarrassed.

I remember when my parents found out I liked wearing sex man underwear :briefs: and I kinda took it with a pinch, and now hell they hang my pants up on the washing line outside without battering an eyelid haha :joy: