Writing some music

im very bored and have no in person friends so im sat writing angry lyrics at my desk :joy:
whats everyone else up to today?

besides writing i got my eyebrow piercing done today!!


Why not, it’s fun writing lyrics :blush:

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i hope ill beable to use them some day :yum:

Never stop chasing the dream :blush:

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Thats really cool. I always struggle with mixing the words with he music.
Always great to perform a song youve written though, something special i think.

Not up to much today, weather is dreary. Great you could get your eyebrow pierced. I swore id get a couple more in my ears after all this mess is less manic (ive been wanting them for ages and umming about it. Just though, stuff it, im having them done)

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Woo! Go you on the new piercing :raised_hands:
Be sure to share some of these song lyrics for us all to read and get into a groove :crazy_face:

So far today I’ve done nothing but need to go out to do the shopping so am about to get ready

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ill definitely share them when theyre more polished! im glad i could get it too, its healing quite well!

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i cant wait till it calms down more too, im gonna get my nose bridge pierced when my piercer feels comfortable with it!

never will! :grin:

@spookyreviewer - sorry to be a wet blanket, but if you produce creative work, be it music, lyrics, visual art or whatever, don’t post it directly on this (or any) forum.

The forum owners (LH in this case) claim ownership of every word that’s posted on their pages, and that includes pieces of creative work. The best way to keep control over your work is to publish your work on a platform that respects your copyright (like, for instance, Soundcloud for music) and then post links to your pieces here. :slightly_smiling_face:


oh thank you so much for the heads up! thats really usefull