Young women here

Aww that is horrible xxx I makes people check when you know someone who has been effected by it look at what Jade Goodie tried to do for young woman about getting a serm test before your 25 .Cancer has no issue with anyone doesnt care how old how young its out there and its nasty and bloody horrible

Avrielle_Aniko wrote:

What I meant was I hope your daughter is coping ok with the knowledge of her friend, since she is younger and probably hasn't experienced these sorts of emotions before - especially when it is her best friend too.

I know the focus is on her friend/your friends daughter, but your daughter will likely be bombarded with feelings and probably confusion too. Same as anyone else who was close with her. But just saying, as her dad, just be there for her - though I know you will.

It is a tough situation to deal with, for everyone. But just do your best in whatever way you think you can help your friend and your daughter during this time.

Sending you *hugs*

AA x

we just had an inpromtu party mother daughter brother and his oh was on my "bill" but only her mother knows that. not many ways you can support what is for me, only a girl with cancer but a good knees up is a start