Your first crush

Just wondered if everyones could remember who they first true crush was?
Mine strangely was Josie Lawrence of Who's line is it anyway! Don't know why but just had a big thing for her! And almost ashamed to say Linsey Dawn McKenzie! Had a hopeless crush on get her and I believe she is the reason I have a big fetish for huge boobs!
How about you lot?

Andy Crane from the broom cupboard. ❤️

Not sure it was my first crush, but I had a thing about the Australian tennis player Evonne Goolagong in the very early 70's. I used to play quite a lot of tennis then, and I always thought she looked so poised and composed when she played, and she was such an elegant player.

I had the good fortune to actually see her up very close once, and she was more beautiful in real life than in her pictures, a natural beauty.

Do cartoon characters count?! If so, Eric from Dungeons and Dragons (the animated kids TV show) was the first 'person' I remember having feelings about when I was in primary school. Bit random, but at least two of my friends admit to havng fancied Dogtanian and he wasn't even human!

DreamsOfChi wrote:

Do cartoon characters count?! If so, Eric from Dungeons and Dragons (the animated kids TV show) was the first 'person' I remember having feelings about when I was in primary school. Bit random, but at least two of my friends admit to havng fancied Dogtanian and he wasn't even human!

I frickin loved that program!!! TiaMat the dragon was awesome. Probably my first crush was Sarah Green on Saturday Superstore...deeeelicious. Oh...and the lead singer of 5 star. Phwoar!!!

Tom Cruise when he stared in Top Gun. Young and handsome then.

My very first crush must have been billie piper or Judy Garland. My wife is my very first girlfriend/crush in primary school, we lost touch after we both went to secondary school and reconnected 15 Year’s later.

My French teacher at grammar school, must have been 15 but still remember her !

Phillip Scholfield back in the broomcupboard before the silver fox years.

My art teacher she was beautiful

Jennifer Aniston in friends, I watched so many episodes of that awful show because she was in it.

The first one I remember would have been Siobhan Fahy from Banarama.... reminded by watching an old TOTP on BBC4 the other night

Mine was my music teacher at school... I semi stalked him and really thought it was love. He was so gorgeous... Looking back though, it wasn't love and he wasn't too gorgeous at all...

Mine was my music teacher at school... I semi stalked him and really thought it was love. He was so gorgeous... Looking back though, it wasn't love and he wasn't too gorgeous at all...

My French teacher at school. She was gorgeous and everything one envisaged of a young French woman. I met her a few years later at a party and discoverd that she was a flirt and enjoyed sex. Unfortunately I then moved away and went abroad.

I know it sounds like a bloke but there was a young Australian olympic swimmer and I am sure her name was Shane Gould or very similar. This was way back around 1972 and she was the earliest I can remember. After that it would have been Susan Dey from the Partridge Family.

The OH is a bit more predictable, Donny and Jay Osmond.

The lad who used to deliver my mums newspaper 😉 I used to hang around the letterbox near Christmas time so I could give him his 50p tip lol xx

Johnny Depp - actually he still is.

I'm not sure if it was my first but I distinctly remember telling my best friend about how appealing I found Julie Michaels.

To me a first "true" crush was someone in RL vs. a celebrity crush...

his name was "A", a classmate in school, he had a mullet and wore high tops. He never noticed me in that way but had a wonderful smile and was a very nice popular guy.

I ran into him at the gym several years ago and we are now friends and hang out sometimes and he got a good chuckle when I told him how he was my first real crush.

Celebrity crush as a younger person was definately Patrick Swayze - dirty dancing baby!