being stuffed

so who else likes to do the everyday jobs whilst having a toy hidden away?? i love talking to people who have no idea of my hidden secret, makes the boring food shopping seem so much more interesting!

does anyone go to bed with toy stuffed away??

look forward to hearing any replies

Used to sleep with this in some times because you totally forget about it

Just bought some Ben-Wa balls for this purpose ;)

ooo that can be seriously slippery buisness for a woman lol I get wet enough thinking about my toys think I'd end up getting run over if i went out in public smuggling one hehe.. i do like teasing my hubby ocassionally and sitting on the sofa next to him with a bullet snuggled on my clit lol

But think about the texts you could send him - he'd be wanting to drag your clothes off when you walk through the door ;)

It's things like this that make me wish I had a vagina. : D

I love going to work wearing knickers and having beads in my bum! It makes talking to my work colleagues fun as they would probably freak if they knew the bloke sat next to them was wearing knickers and had beads in his bum! Very kinky!!

i've thought of doing this so often. must give it a go! Love the idea of using Ben-Wa balls or something similar. think i feel a purchase coming on...

i have the vibraexciter bullet and the ohmibod auditory one but i've never worn them out of the house. should really try at some point shouldn't I?

I don't do it often. But there nothing more exciting
Than bumping into someone you know, and knowing that they are clueless about what you've got inside you :)

that and then telling other half whilst out what you've got hidden away- knowing that they cant do anything about it!! makes for a more interesting sunday lunch round the in-laws!!

Ive been out with the vibraexciter a few times and it was brilliant! I was in a nice and quiet booksop and my friend sent me a txt saying go and find someone to stand next to so of course I did as I was told and he then proceeded to txt me endlessly! Best afternoon I've had in a long while. He loved it as well being miles away but able to control me was a dream come true ;o)

I wore an inflatable butt plug to the shops once, but the bulb fell off the tube in a shop queue!!

Felt great though being able to give myself a thrill in my ass with no-one knowing.

oh dear the bulb fell off? I had a similar moment with the vibraexciter. Somehow the little remote control unit that had been clipped to my knicks became detatched and clattered down between my legs onto the path! Looking back it was funny but thank goodness no one saw!

I realized I didn't actually reply to this properly.

I once went out for a walk with the Aneros Maximus in. Not the most comfortable feeling when the lube dries out. I had to waddle home pretty quick. ^^

Other than that I wouldn't do it again really. I find that I tend to worry about it becomming uncomfortable or painful or if I needed to go to the bathroom or w/e.

Then of course, there is that lingering idea of what would happen if I got hit by a bus or fainted somewhere.....

I have always liked the idea, and have been to the pub once with my keagle balls in, never slept with anything in though, Im not sure that I would be able to, the thought of it been there would be to distracting for me, even with something that once in isn't that noticable.

hornyredhead wrote:

Just bought some Ben-Wa balls for this purpose ;)

I love these balls !

hornyredhead wrote:

Just bought some Ben-Wa balls for this purpose ;)

I'm getting increasingly tempted to wear these at work, but I can't quite get up enough courage to do so yet...!

I fancy these next:

and would imagine they feel fantastic inside you. What a thrill that would be out in public!

I do love the feeling of being full in my ass.

I wear these out to the local shops and actually now most times im out no matter where, it makes me feel sexy.

But I fancy a remote control vibe my OH can control while at the supermarket; maybe something like one of these?

I need to read more of your reviews to pick which one lol, im after something quiet so Im not buzzing round the frozen meats lol?