Breakfast, Dinner, Tea?

No one has mentioned Second Breakfast? Or Supper?

Breakfast, Second Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Tea, and then Supper.

Edit: Turns out people have mentioned a lot of these things and I can’t read. :slightly_smiling_face:


Being from the States it’s breakfast/lunch/dinner, but my partner who is from the Northeast of England says breakfast/dinner/tea (although he’s learning my way so he doesn’t confuse me :rofl:)


Lunch is for posh people! We have “Dinna” :wink:

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Down South: Breakfast, Brunch, Lunch, Dinner for me

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Breakfast, crib, lunch, supper/dinner

(Crib is basically cornish dialect for a break to eat/have tea. Usually mid morning)


Breakfast, dinner then supper here in South Wales.

Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

I can get behind having a crib break every once in a while!

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I suppose one could argue that the phrase “Dinner” refers to a cooked meal, hence the school “dinner” meaning that you have a cooked meal at lunch time and so that is your “dinner” for the day so when you get home you might have something light like a sandwich and a cup of tea hence “tea” because it’s not lunch time.

It’s also a throwback to “High Tea” which was normally served around 6 p.m.

And before you say it, I need to get out more… I know! :smiley: But I PROMISE you’ll want me on your team for the pub quiz.

Mr V.


We have a pub quiz here usually on a Wednesday!


:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: We have croust too, which is basically afternon tea. But its the kind of thing you go to a teashop for really. Like tea + cake + chat kind of thing

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It gets even better! :rofl::rofl: I’ll start house hunting in Cornwall……:house::house:

I’m a breakfast, lunch and dinner girl.

But then again, brunch happens way to often over weekends!

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Or a liquid lunch? :rofl::rofl:

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@KentCouple1990 Haaaaaaa. I actually love day time drinking. Nothing like drinking in Edinburgh from 11am, then rolling back on the 7pm train and having my neighbour come rescue me :joy:


What’s the saying ‘it’s not day drinking unless it starts in the morning’ I’d happily stuff the food and have drinks for breakfast, lunch and dinner when you are on a good drinking session :rofl::rofl:

Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner x

Same here, breakfast, lunch and tea​:blush:

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We’re from Yorkshire.




Breakfast, Dinner, Tea, Supper.

I’m astounded anyone uses any other terms.
In fact offended.

Unless you’re Australian. Any country that uses “the C word” like they do can call a meal what the f%#k they want!