Breakfast, Dinner, Tea?

At school we had dinner ladies. They served up something they called food between 12.00pm and 1.00pm. They were not called School lunch ladies. Obviously the correct answer is Breakfast, dinner and tea. Only if you were posh would you also have supper.

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In our house we have breakfast, lunch and tea, although ‘tea’ is really ‘dinner’ (main meal) at 7pm.
And we have snacks. My kids call snacks ‘scran’. They grew up here, but OH and I are from other places…
I’m a brunch person.

Ok folks, it’s as simple as this. Dinner cannot nor never can be Tea. Tea is the evening meal and Dinner is the equivalent to lunch. Lunch and Dinner are the same thing. Nobody has dinner in the evening :smile:

Think I’m wrong? Please tell me what you eat at the middle of the day on Christmas? Christmas lunch? No, it’s Christmas dinner and it’s most commonly consumed around midday at lunchtime, therefore making dinner not an evening meal. :tipping_hand_woman:t3:


Midday is a bit early for Christmas Dinner, isn’t it? What time do you start cooking it?

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Ok, well between 12pm and 2pm I would guess is the most common time to eat Christmas Dinner.

And who doesn’t start cooking there Christmas dinner at 4-5am? Turkeys take time @Ian_Chimp.

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Honestly, you lot know nothing…
Dinner is a hot meal. Lunch is cold. Tea is cold. Supper is later. What meals are called on a given day depends on when the hot meal is. Simples.


To be honest, I’ve started cooking mine on Christmas eve to get a headstart. :slightly_smiling_face: Christmas day is a bit of a shitshow, so they’re lucky if it’s on the table by 4.

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I feel like this could be a scene from Dinnerladies. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes! A sandwich is not dinner. It might be lunch or afternoon tea.
But then, what is a boiled egg?
Not sure why we call our hot, evening dinner ‘tea’. Must be a northern thing, or a hanger-on from when the kids were little and could only say words on one syllable - they would have an early ‘tea’ and we would have our dinner later…

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Thank you @Ian_Chimp. I’m honoured. We quote Dinnerladies at each other all the time and it was in the back of my mind as I typed it!

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@MsR A boiled egg is hardly dinner, unless it is wrapped in sausage meat and breadcrumbs, in which case it is a substantial meal. But if it is cold, it still isn’t dinner…

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I think you have just added another category to the debate…
I think anything egg based, hot or cold, is a brunch, but we should probably check with Michael Gove… see if he has decided yet :grin:

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You have to pay VAT on dinner. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Really? But not at home, and not on lunch? Or on scrambled egg on toast in a cafe at around 11.00am? Blimey… things are getting silly.


I’m very far from posh but for me it’s Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

And we eat our Christmas dinner at about 6.00 pm! :woozy_face:


Now that’s a different thread about Christmas dinner time :rofl::rofl:


It is indeed :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Tea is a drink

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Breakfast lunch dinner :joy:

What would you eat during Christmas lunch then?