Campaign Against Pink Rides Again

A mere 8 months after the Campaign Against Pink was mooted in the forums comes.... Pink Stinks!

Whenever a vibe is available in multiple colours, we usually sell more of pink - Supersex Bullet is one exception.

Do we like pink because we're pre-conditioned or because, well, it's just prettier?

i don't really know why i hate pink, i think its cause its got the whole attatchment to being "girlie"

i don;t like the idea that many company uses that "heres some technology of some sort (camera, tv, games consoles) but here it is in pink for you women" like women dont want technology uness its pink. (and usually pink technology is worse made and worse specifications)

ive never been a girly girl and i just dont like anything assosciated to that.

I think it is pre-conditioned. Most girls toys and a lot of clothes are pink therefore you like it through association e.g. your first teddy. Girls are expected to like pink, otherwise they are not considers feminine. It becomes stereotyping gender - a guy who likes pink is more feminine/ gay? Or alternatively they are very masculine because they are proving they are comfortable with their sexuality by wearing pink?

When it comes to vibes: Sometimes it is prettier but most of the time it's because the other colours aren't very nice or are the wrong shade (I lived with a very fussy designer for three years - sorry kitkat85 :-)

Apparently they are not allowed to paint prisons pink because of it being linked with a higher suicide rate :-s

Oooh interesting question.....

I don't think I have all that many pink toys, my first ever one was pink and glittery - adorable combination! Since then I've got quite a lot of purple (more grown up version of pink?), some blue, some clear, some white, some red.

I was never pre - conditioned a tomboy growing up I loved orange and blue much more than pink but now I love pink. Although I don't like it so much for sex toys, I like classy, sleek looking toys and pink tends to be a little tackier (although sometimes it works)

I agree with SL too - pink in technology never really looks good as they usually go for really sugary pink that just makes the good technology look cheap.

I have a pink leather jacket for my motorbike though that I love!

Guess pink just has to be used in the right "context" if that makes sense?


I never used ot have ANYthing pink, due to not being girly - never played with dolls or girly stuff as a kid etc. Had two brothers, always had to be tough and all that.

Lately though I have been drawn more and more to pink, I think this is in some way due to the fact that I've become a contrary [albeit tongue in cheek] person through the cynic making years, and I choose pink more often just to be a rebel against the whole 'you're GOING to be a feminist and you're GOING to only like black' thing.

One day I'll be in the mood for pink n fluffy, another day I'll be more latex black mood. So there.

With regards to conditioning kids with colours, my son just watched this issue of pink for girls thing on newsround then sobs to me, [he's only 4] 'mummy they said pink's only for girls but I like it too and Im a big boy! ' aww cute.

I've always let him play with both dolls and cars as he wishes. He has had a t-shirt in pink. I like him to have freedom of expression in life and will therefore try not to push culture and society influenced ideas onto him if I can help it.

If you want to wear neck to toe pink, don an apron and bake pies for your hard working hubby every day then good on you! You're doing what you want.

If you want to be a hard nosed feminist [no offence to hard nosed feminists] who is very anti men, wears blackwatch tartan or thermal underwear then thats fine too. Probably surprises a lot that I'm not a feminist.

These are my opinions, you are entitled to your own. I'm able to discuss and debate and not take offence so please take my opinions with a pinch of salt as I know they will not be to everyone's tastes.

Love you all. Peace and pink wishes to everyone! :D x

i love pink ,even got a pink kitchen and laptop lol,,but i would like to see other colours used

With any purchase I make....I always check to see if it comes in pink! I own alot of toys but suprisingly alot of them arent pink!! I really need to address this and pink it up!!!

Mistress Cara wrote:

I never used ot have ANYthing pink, due to not being girly - never played with dolls or girly stuff as a kid etc. Had two brothers, always had to be tough and all that.

Lately though I have been drawn more and more to pink, I think this is in some way due to the fact that I've become a contrary [albeit tongue in cheek] person through the cynic making years, and I choose pink more often just to be a rebel against the whole 'you're GOING to be a feminist and you're GOING to only like black' thing.

One day I'll be in the mood for pink n fluffy, another day I'll be more latex black mood. So there.

With regards to conditioning kids with colours, my son just watched this issue of pink for girls thing on newsround then sobs to me, [he's only 4] 'mummy they said pink's only for girls but I like it too and Im a big boy! ' aww cute.

I've always let him play with both dolls and cars as he wishes. He has had a t-shirt in pink. I like him to have freedom of expression in life and will therefore try not to push culture and society influenced ideas onto him if I can help it.

If you want to wear neck to toe pink, don an apron and bake pies for your hard working hubby every day then good on you! You're doing what you want.

If you want to be a hard nosed feminist [no offence to hard nosed feminists] who is very anti men, wears blackwatch tartan or thermal underwear then thats fine too. Probably surprises a lot that I'm not a feminist.

These are my opinions, you are entitled to your own. I'm able to discuss and debate and not take offence so please take my opinions with a pinch of salt as I know they will not be to everyone's tastes.

Love you all. Peace and pink wishes to everyone! :D x

I agree with this completely! I was always told "fight for your rights as a woman" and I'm VERY grateful that thanks to some incredibly brave women, I have those rights to fight for, but I don't have time for modern feminism. I'm an individualist, I believe we shouldn't be treated all equally, we're not all the same, we should be treated as the individual people that we are, nothing to do with gender or anything.

Applying this belief to the question - noone should be told they "should" like this or the other, if a man (or little boy - how cute does your son sound!!) likes pink then so what, if a woman likes everything in black and red than who cares? I like pink (and homemaking) but I like other colours more. I think one of the great things about lovehoney is the choice - you can have a pink sex toy if you like, or a different colour.

I'm glad I was allowed whatever I wanted (within reason) as a child - never played with dolls, I preferred football and climbing trees, and wore lots of orange and red rather than pink. But when I wanted that (insert fad) in pink instead of blue I could External Media. No preconditioning for me, but these days girls toys are a lot girlier than they used to be even when I was a kid (I'm 19)!


AdnaW wrote:

No preconditioning for me, but these days girls toys are a lot girlier than they used to be even when I was a kid (I'm 19)!


i dont really know about this. when we were young the argos catalouge used to have a "girls toys" and a "boys toys" section. girls toys were plastic kitchens, dolls,hoovers ect and boys section was all the good toys. i dont know i its the same now or not.

girls toys are more girlier though, even up to early teens whith all those "fashion dolls" though it must make money otherwise it wouldnt be done!

Aww thanks! yay someone agrees with me. Im always right anyway. JOKE!! lol

You're 19? I feel old! lol.

Just noticed that the background to this page is pink.

LoveHoney, are you trying to condition all of us against our will? All the guys will be getting girly!

I like things that match: the first toy I got was dark purply-pink so I guess that's why the colour features a lot in my sex toy drawer!


sweetlove666 wrote:

i dont really know about this. when we were young the argos catalouge used to have a "girls toys" and a "boys toys" section. girls toys were plastic kitchens, dolls,hoovers ect and boys section was all the good toys. i dont know i its the same now or not.

girls toys are more girlier though, even up to early teens whith all those "fashion dolls" though it must make money otherwise it wouldnt be done!

I didn't have many toys as a kid though - I read a lot of books and generally played outside in the woods behind my house or in the garden, played football etc. So I personally wasn't conditioned really.

Mistress Cara wrote:

You're 19? I feel old! lol.

I'm a young 'un but I bet you wouldn't have guessed it ey? Not sure if that's a good thing, I look younger than I am but act and think older!


im not really fussed aslong as there brillant and get the job done ;-)


I HATE pink! Probably to the point where I'd actually pay more for a non-pink version of something that was cheaper in pink. If there's something I really want that has sold out in every colour but pink, I'll even wait until the other colours have come back in stock, I hate it that much.

Pink is such an unsexy colour to me, it's just ugh. Pink reminds me of little girls. Not a nice thing to be reminded of when you're about to get down to it!

I especially like red or black - it's kinky! Still, anything but pink will do me.

My daughter used to be anti pink. She was totally goth but in the last few months has been paris hilton-a-fied(ish) but she doesn't realise I haven't got Mr Hiltons wallet! Bloody ugg boots! Lol. SG69 x

I would be anti-pink if it didnt feel so much like being dictated to by feminists lol

This is just convincing me I will like pink somedays just because I can/want to/feel like it

[ooh-er controversial post ]

SEXYGET 69 wrote:

My daughter used to be anti pink. She was totally goth but in the last few months has been paris hilton-a-fied(ish) but she doesn't realise I haven't got Mr Hiltons wallet! Bloody ugg boots! Lol. SG69 x

You know it's interesting, I used to have quite a few "gothy" friends, and they all seem to have one thing in common - they take more care of their feminine appearance than most girls I know!

Sorry, I'm going off topic again.


I've only just realised I don't own any pink toys at all. How can this be?

*toddles off to browse, any excuse to make a purchase...*

SS xx

Oh, wait, that's not actually true... these pink, and I own them. They're great, by the way. To be honest I'm not too fussed about colour, as long as the aethetics and material quality are good. I like good design and attractiveness, but pink toys can be ultimate tat or ultimate quality, it's not the colour but the overall impression.

Still going to use the excuse to buy something new.

SS xx

Nexas wrote:

I'm waiting for someone to point out that pretty much all of LH's website is pink-based and the messageboard is all pink LOL

I think I did? External Media