Can anyone shed some light on this (age gaps)

I’d honestly never come across this before in my personal life from any exes/current gf - was simply never mentioned /cropped up. Guess it’s just one of those things you live and learn! :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I always fantasised about an older woman, and i’m pretty sure many women fantasise about older men! Now i’m pushing 60 an older woman for me is probably in a care home! :joy:


Yeah massively so - I think so much so that that relationship took precedence over the heterosexual relationship that the man would have had with his wife, in terms of how it was valued and seen by Greek society at the time, if I remember from an article I was reading some time ago :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:

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I was going to mention this too, definetly a big thing historically and in present times. Think its the mentor aspect.

:joy::joy::joy::joy: People are living longer so the amount of women living til 100 and above must be increasing - plenty of options to tick that particular box hahaha!

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I’d be interested to know if it’s at all commonplace in Lesbian relationships. I know a fair few sapphic couples: none of them are inter-generational. Hmmm… :thinking:

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There’s 18 years between me and my husband and no he’s not rich. Our best friends are in an age gap relationship of 23 years… younger woman and no he’s not rich either. Weve all been in our relationships for over 15 years. Is it a fantasy to be with an older man… Not for us. Its just purely that that was who we were attracted to. We don’t see age, looks, or bank balance. We purely see the personality and soul of the person.


Hugh Hefner and Peter Stringfellow seemed to do okay with younger women :rofl:

I’ve only ever dated men older than me… though not that much.

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Mick Jagger?

Maybe that was the death of them… :thinking::thinking::thinking::wink::wink::joy::joy::joy:

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Good shout :blush:

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Uncanny that Jennifer Aniston comes on the TV while we are discussing this :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth: what a breathtaking older woman :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::kissing_heart::muscle:

I’m much closer in age to the mother in law than the wife so yes - it works both ways. :wink:


It’s not quite the same thing but I was once at a swingers club and I was watching a couple together, and I saw that the woman whispered something to the guy and he then invited me to join them. After we’d all finished and while she wasn’t about he told me that she really fancied me and wanted me to join them but was so shy to ask me herself, and whispered for him to ask me instead.
I’m only into women younger than myself, but at the time I was about 43 years old and she was 61


Well, I think fantasies like these go for both male and female, but it might be more common for a male to fantasize over an older partner

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Well…let me introduce myself :joy: I’m quite into older men myself and I’m a woman. I thought it would of been the other way around than what you are saying because of the daddy culture and age kink thing which I do have to an extent.


It does indeed involve sex on the most part.
The term Sugar daddy dates back to the 19th century. An elderly male will date a younger female and support her financially, for the purpose of either holding hands, cuddling or sex.
Years ago it was a mutual agreement, today it means something else.

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I haven’t looked at any demographics but I would say older men with younger women is overwhelmingly more common…


Great discussion on this thread. I know of women age 25 with man aged 47 but that’s the greatest age gap. I’m 12 years older again and would be attracted to any age, it all depends on the woman’s outlook & personality. Age is jut a number. Lucky I’m married to a lovely lady my same age.

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When I was 19 I was with someone who was 48, and when I was 20 I was with someone who was 50. Currently I’m with someone who’s 39, and he’s the youngest I’ve ever been with long term. I like older guys. I find they’re generally more emotionally stable, know what they want, and know how to communicate better.