Could forum friends actually be some of your friends and didnt realise

Ha - didn’t realize I was speaking in code, but yes - the subdirectories, or the topical pages/communities within the Reddit framework are called subreddits. Not explicitly related to power-play at all. But also could be.

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Lol. Exactly. I’m a relatively public-facing leader in my faith community and Sunday afternoon - once the responsibilities are all taken care of - is decidedly our favorite time to get absolutely nasty.

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I know one of my exes is on here. We aren’t that close anymore but friendly enough to say Hi when we meet.


I am a little worried that I might run into someone I know in real life on this. I’m quite a shy person in real life but I feel more comfortable on here and able to talk openly.


Someone recently followed me on here and the username sparked something for me memory wise - but I suppose if they do know me irl and they’re also on the forum they must be pretty open minded and would be unsurprised by anything I have posted :person_shrugging:


I’ve had similar conversations with my GF. Especially since she Cams. And has a whoooooole lot of Media floating around of her in what some would consider “compromising ,” situations.

She’s always afraid her family will find out.

So I asked a question.

What are they going to do. Admit they were watching you on cam or have paid for some of your digital content? Then confront you about it? Seems a bit hypocritical doesn’t it?

She agreed in all ares but one. Which I fully understand.

She has had one of her son’s friends find her and try to date her, by texting her on her personal phone while on Cam referencing what she was camming. Lol.

She immediately blocked him (online and pretended to be confused on phone), and hoped for a long time it wouldn’t come up in conversation. It never has. (For the sake of clarity, he was 19, so it’s not a minor associated conversation).

Other than that exceptional occurrence. I don’t worry as much as I would have 10-15 years ago where I was a “manwhore”and constantly being harassed by women I wouldn’t keep seeing (but was never in a relationship, much less a committed one to begin with.)

A lot knew where my mom worked. And she’s highly religious. Sometimes those conversations didn’t go over so well. But. My mom has always known who I was. And that deep down, I wasn’t a manwhore, I had just never found the right person for me.

In an entirely different state. I see the chances as less likely. But if it happens again. It happens. If someone is enough of an ass to link cam footage to her of my GF and I. Well. What she does with that is her choice. But I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t ever have the balls to mention it to me.

She’s already long since told my GF she loved her. And she’s never even liked one of my exes including my Ex-Wife. So. I don’t really see anything changing other than maybe her perception of me. If that happens that happens.

I’ve done the “what’s the worst that could happen and can I deal with that repercussion analysis.”

I can.

This is a safe space for me, to learn from others viewpoints from different experiences and cultural implications. It can’t be a safe space (in my opinion) if I’m afraid. So. I choose not to be afraid.

I do understand it’s different in the U.K. But again. What are they going to do. Admit they found you in the same place they are visiting and hold it against you? Seems not only hypocritical. But it’s illegal in the U.S.

And at the very least. It is more easily blown up in the “exposers” situation, when it’s proven when where and how they got the information.

Is it not?

I am a bit careful as to what I put on here in terms of info about myself which could reveal my identity. I don’t share my location or job for instance or share pictures (kudos to those who do!!)

I do sometimes think if any of my friends / colleagues are on here!


I would not be concerned if someone I knew found me on here, it is a great friendly place and very supportive. In some ways it would be nice to knew I had open and honest friends.


I would love having a bunch of you mystery people be my neighbors . Closest member is about 10 miles away and not very active , so chances of running into them is minute . When I was a young man , myself and several buddies drove the the next state over to go to a strip club . We were settling in and a new woman came on stage and all our jaws hit the floor . We all recognized and knew her . As a footnote , she was so beautiful and built . She graduated in our little town a year ahead of us . Her dad had died suddenly and she was going to college . She came over after her routine and begged us not to tell anyone , we said her secret was safe with us . Her mon did not have enough money for her to continue school and she was stripping so she could finish and get her degree .


Hey good on the girl for her determination and you guys for keeping her secret.

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I would applaud her for her determination to complete her studies and making use of her assets to achieve it. I also hope all of you lads stuck by your word and never told anyone. @Oldman


We all did , she graduated and a few years later married a lucky guy . This song reminded me of her . Centerfold - YouTube

Well thanks @Iwill , I think I need to take all pics in my room from now on just in case :joy::joy: