Custom Forum Badges

Sorry if this is a bit serious. :slightly_smiling_face: Working out what we want and how it could work can get a little technical, but once it’s up and running it should just blend right in. :+1:

There’s definitely space for some Custom Badges on here, but exactly what they are and when they’re implemented is up to Brenna/Brenna’s boss. :slightly_smiling_face: But Brenna has asked us to throw some ideas round, so this is very much a part of that. :+1:

Hopefully we all agree the Badges are relatively meaningless, and don’t confer any special powers on anyone. :slightly_smiling_face:

The more I mull it over the more I like the idea of inserting a batch when you gain TL2. They wouldn’t have to have anything to do with the categories, they could just be 5 (ish) sex/sexy descriptions (eg Bondage Badass, Lingerie Lover, Bum Fun Bobby, and so on), and you can then pick and choose from them or any of the existing Badge Titles you’ve earned depending on your mood.

This would also give people a handful of titles to play with even if they’ve not earned many of the other Badges yet.

The requirements for TL2 are quite gentle, and focus more on logging in and reading than posting, so there should be no extra encouragement from these to just post for the post count. And because almost everyone would have them they couldn’t be used to say ‘I’m Johnny Big Balls!’ (they’d be more ‘I’m interested in this’ rather than ‘I know a lot about this’)

The only difference most existing active people would see would be 5 extra Titles in the dropdown, and maybe a small burst of new Badge notifications. For new people they’d get a ‘Congratulations! You’re TL2! Have some Titles. :+1:’ message when they get promoted (and maybe a small burst of Badge notifications).

How does that sound to everyone? Any changes/problems?

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