
How many times do couples sex a week?

I imagine the answer to be somewhere between zero and one hundred

Well id say about twice a day when you first meet then twice a week and on special occasion once your in a long term relationship lol ![](upload://ez5kOkpKXRZOxjavAURYmQxVTau.gif)

It's like the honeymoon period you at like rabbits then a couple off time's a week then 3 times a month :-)

Parents here in a long term relationship so... not often enough 😂 Probably averages at once a week

I used to know how that felt wen my kids where younger

yes once my kids arrived my ex only gave me a bj on my birthday lol

I feel your pain lol

On average 1-2 times a week and we've been together 30+ years. We've had a lot of dry spells but we've revved it up lately thanks to love honey. Hubby was on holiday for a week and it was 1/2 times a day 😊

My are grown up now they think cause I'm 43 i shudnt be having sex im to old

Yes, the little darlings are nature's contraceptives! It can be hard sometimes, when life gets in the way of your couple time. Like this last few weeks may as well just be written off! Between periods, work, and illness, I think we've managed it once. He didn't even get a birthday blow job last week because I was so ill!

Ha! Wait until they're you're age hunnybun, they'll quickly retract that statement! 😂

A know I'm not past it yet xx

I dont need viagra yet either lol but I agree children do put a dampner on things, so glad they dont live with me now lol

Mine dont live with me but they still think I'm to old im like to old what theck

I think by experience its a case of when both of you are in the mood, with emphasis on the word bOth .As you get older slowly, kids,pressure at work ,aging parents (not you) and the stressesand demands of a modern lifestyle where everything should be done yesterday can dampen one's sex drive some what .

Life never gets easyer even when kids are grown up.. thay sill bring there problems to your door step..dont get me wrong we are there for them if thy need us. But hay we need a life to.
After 35 years married we have never been so far apart.. on average its once every 2 months for us then its just a quick dip it in and wipe it...

Depends on the people and the sex drives that they have. Circumstances, hormones and mood can also change that number dramatically.

I think the average according to surveys is still 2/3 times per week.

2 or 3 times a week which at our age (in our 70s) isn't too bad!

1-2 times a week. But that number would probably be higher if we were living together.