Do you play video games?

Hi every 1 I know this is a little off topic but we have been discussing video games. I’ve grown up with video games round me since I was very young. I have loved watching them develop in to the marvels they are these days. Really excited about the release of project natal this year for Xbox 360. As this is issuing in a new generation of games and how we play which get me very excited. Think of a wii but without the controllers for it. Anyway enough waffling on to the point. My gf used to hope I would give up video games, she has enjoyed some herself but not until recently has she realised it’s something I’ll probably never grow out of it? So what I’m wondering is :
  • Do you play video games?
  • How old are you? And if you’re male or female?
  • What console do you own?
  • Favourite video game at the moment?
  • Retro or new video games what you prefer?
  • What is your opinions on video games even if you’re not a gamer be interesting to know?
  • Do you think you'll ever grow out of them?
Can’t wait to see what every 1 else has to say thanks a lot guys. Lots of love SSC XXXXX

I dont play video games atm and am rathr sad tbh. Its really down to lack of money and being able to get a console. However when I used to have one I prefered the retro games liek Crash bandicoot and my all time fave..... BOMBERMAN!

I think they serve a purpose of being able to relax and unwind and cant wait to get a ststem again though think will be a Wii so the kids can join in lol.

Do you play video games? yes we do
How old are you? And if you’re male or female? 24 male and female
What console do you own? Xbox 360, Wii, nintendo ds, laptop, sega mega drive , n64
Favourite video game at the moment? mine is red dead redemption and hers is the sims
Retro or new video games what you prefer? both
What is your opinions on video games even if you’re not a gamer be interesting to know? love them her not so keen
Do you think you'll ever grow out of them? not a chance

we still regularly play bomberman when we get back from the pub its great fun still and with new graphics its just great

  • Do you play video games? - Yes, all the time.
  • How old are you? And if you’re male or female? 19 year old Male.
  • What console do you own? An extreme spec PC, PS3, 360, PS2, Xbox, Wii, Gamecube, Sega Megadrive and somewhere a couple of Spectrum's.
  • Favourite video game at the moment? Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 and Dragonage on the pc, both modded.
  • Retro or new video games what you prefer? New video games but I still snatch up every remake of Space Invaders and remember the days of playing Fifa on the Sega as birds eye dots of the players and seeing their legs only on sliding tackles.
  • What is your opinions on video games even if you’re not a gamer be interesting to know? I will never ever stop playing video games and look to bring up my children when I have any with video games in the house.
  • Do you think you'll ever grow out of them? Guess I answered this above, I can only imagine how good video games will be further down the line and just like reading fantasy novels I will never grow out of them. It's just something that I enjoy for unwinding and escape.

yes i own 2 copys of Dr Robotniks Mean Bean Machine 1 for my mega drive and 1 with mega drive collection for my xbox 360

me and a few freinds make silly films at the weekends we quite often try to get the old music frm old games in to the film if we can. love the noises of orignal video games

its a brillant game loved it my mates is so gd at it really winds me up

Avrielle, I was brought up with my dad and brother playing Golden Axe, what a set of games those were! I'm a real sucker for RPG's as well.

I love Final Fantasy I-X (basically until the lead designer left and they decided to start making radical changes to the way a series of games played that we already loved). Final fantasy X was however my favourite video game of all time and I get really emotionally whenever I think of it. The characters were lovable, the storyline was captivating and the music was amazing. It was hard not to get emotional come the end of that great, great game after spending so much time getting to know the characters. If you haven't got that on PS2 yet buy it even if the graphics are dated now. The video below of one of the songs made for the game is reason enough to buy it.

If your a fan of the good old fashioned turn based RPG games then I highly suggest you buy Lost Odyssey for the 360 once you get one. It was made by the original father of Final Fantasy and is a great game you can sink a lot of hours into and could buy it on the cheap now.

Do you play video games? Yes i certainly do
How old are you? And if you’re male or female? 26 year old male
What console do you own? ps3 but used to own an xbox 360
Favourite video game at the moment? final fantasy 13
Retro or new video games what you prefer? new video games although i do like to have the odd bash on the retro games, always fun to play the old classic like sonic
What is your opinions on video games even if you’re not a gamer be interesting to know? Im the same here i dont think ill ever stop playing on video games and think they'll just get better and better
Do you think you'll ever grow out of them? I really hope not lol

Oh, that saddens me to hear that as I absolutely loved FFX. I really enjoyed the characters of it and that's the problem I have now a days with RPG's, the characters never click with me as well as FFX and I don't enjoy the game so much because of that. It is likely that I'm putting it on a pedestal a bit as it's been so long since I've played the game but I will always have fond memories of it.

FFVII was great but everyone knows that and FVIII was different but one that was under rated was FFIX. The characters weren't my favourite in this game and it all seems more of a cartoon feel than the others in the series but the storyline and game play were still spot on.

Unfortunately FFXIII isn't going back to the routes at all but is instead a real time action game with no exploration (the whole game is based on a linear path to increase the "pace" with no back tracking and shopping is done at save spheres instead of cities). It's a real shame too because I'm dying for another RPG to suck me in for a couple of months.

Forgot to add that FFI-VI were all good games. I now have the first two on I-pod after they were released to the app store with the DS remake graphics. I hope they rerelease the rest of them in the sharpened 2D sprite look and not the poor 3D some of them were remade in.

I really enjoyed playing ffX i really go into the story and everything,also im really enjoying playing FFXIII the upgrade system is kinda like FFX but alot easy to manage with everyone getting exp even if they dont battle so no-one is left behind when you have to upgrade things.

Not really the biggest fan of the weapons upgrades on FXIII though as it seems to have gone back to FFVIII style which i couldnt get the hang of so you kinda need to know what does what and the best way to upgrade things.

I am hoping that maybe one day the might re-vamp FFVII to the ps3 graphics or to the same standard as the advent children movie which would be crazy cool imo

Yeah, FFXIII is still a good game I just felt it's getting more and more away from the first ten games which were the ones I loved. Unfortunately I don't think FFVII will ever be remade as we've all been begging for it ever since the tech demo of the PS3 showing a revamped intro to the game. We did get a movie and a variety of spin off games from FFVII and I think that's all we're going to have in all honesty.

IF you havent seen Charlie Brooker's Gameswipe i suggest you go to BBC iplayer and check it out. i love this man hes got it spot it on for video games. in fact if u anit seen him before u should check out his other to newswipe, filmwipe, and you've been watching on channel 4.

if your in to his style of comedy i suggest u check out doug stanhope also. he has sum very funny materail about sex and sex toys. be warned tho doug is a very wrong person and more than likey to offend some people. he not be to every 1s likeing.

Charlie Brooker's Gameswipe

FFIX was a great game Avrielle and it had plenty of exploration with the treasure hunting. I just loved spending all my time with the Chocobos on that game digging up the various treasures in the forest, cove, floating island and such likes. It's all these things that detract from the main story and let you choose the option of doing those mini games or not such as the Golden Saucer in FFVII or the secret dungeons, summons and Monster Hunting in FFX that makes me really enjoy the game. I don't like going from point A straight to B, I like to be able to do other stuff on the way between A and B.

Muz333 wrote:

Yeah, FFXIII is still a good game I just felt it's getting more and more away from the first ten games which were the ones I loved. Unfortunately I don't think FFVII will ever be remade as we've all been begging for it ever since the tech demo of the PS3 showing a revamped intro to the game. We did get a movie and a variety of spin off games from FFVII and I think that's all we're going to have in all honesty.

Yeah its a bit of a shame really,although I loved the advent children movie i thought it was amazing.

I think when they made FFX I knew they were trying to take it in a different direction maybe trying to get more first time players into it,which i think with the way FFXIII is set out alot of first timers will really be able to get their teeth into it and create more fans of the game.

Speaking of FFVII i just had to download it on to my psp so i can play it anywhere,just has to be one of the best.

I liked both the Final Fantasy movies. Advent Children was great but really confused others that hadn't played the game and needed a second or possibly third run watch to understand the film. Spirits Within was also a good film yet I never hear love for it anywhere and I don't even know if many Final Fantasy fans acknowledge it's existence.

Hmmm personally I'm still abit hit and miss with spirits within,deffinatly well made at the time and i do own it on dvd but i have to leave it awhile inbetween viewing as something just seems to be missing from it.

They re-did advent children on blu-ray with a extended bits and re-made a few other parts which does make it follow alittle better. Also i do believe it includes the whole FFVII story with crisis core and everything else on there to explain the whole story.

Avrielle if u like the rest of his stuff you should deffantly make 45mins to sit dwn and watch it. iam know u will enjoy it. also i think u should check out some of doug stanhope who you would of seen on news wipe already hed do a lil 5 min section for charlie newswipe?