Does anybody else know about the "other side" of you?

Ooh! Might have to be brave and look that up at some point :smiley:

No… in the same way I wouldnt talk about the ins and outs of a vanilla sex life or my finances etc. I have no reason to tell people about my private life. It doesn’t interfere with my 'normal day to day routine. I have friends and family that I would be happy to tell if they asked but I can’t ever see them asking xx


You may prefer to buy an actual copy of the book to display proudly on your living room shelves. If you can’t wait, though, here’s the whole thing as a PDF. Enjoy! The Story of O

ADDED LATER: @Kitty-Cat01 - I’ve just had a browse of that PDF and it’s not perfect - there are occasional typos, probably caused by the OCR software it was made with. Doesn’t affect its readability, though.

One thing I ought to mention is that it can get pretty brutal in places, and the story contains instances of non-consent which some folks (me included) find difficult. The thing to remember is that it is a work of unrestricted fantasy - more like a bizarre erotic dream than anything to do with real life. Treat it as such and you’ll be fine. I’ve been returning to it time and again since I was a teenager. It really taps into the very essence of what it is to be a submissive.


Thanks! I wonder what I’ll be reading next week? :sweat_smile:

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Many years ago when I was single , a body builder and a biker many coworkers would ask my opinion or tips on sexual subjects . Really only one friend had any detail on how kinky of sexual things I was up to . Now multiple friends think I am a sexual fellow , but have zero actual knowledge . A good number of friends know I enjoy the nudist camp and sunbathing with minimal clothing . Of course that is because I invited a number of them to attend the camp . I do think many would be shocked at the things I enjoy or would enjoy . I am proud that my niece call me her hot , sexy uncle . You my friends are the only select group of people I share my thoughts and experiences with , group hugs all around ! :lovehoney_heart:


Other then what I share with my OH (@Steffi.O )

The only other humans out there that know my ins and outs are you wonderful bunch… :slightly_smiling_face:

I would like to talk to others about the amazing things that are Lovehoney, but I’m just not there yet and worry about the judgement…


The only person what knows my “otherside” is my wife and still she doesn’t know everything, sometimes keeping it to yourself or telling a complete stranger is better :wink: ha

I’m seen as a quiet, shy guy but in the bedroom with my wife! There’s restraints, toys, the works! :smiling_imp:


None of my family or close friends know of my kinks and stuff, I’ve only ever told random people on dating apps or people who are similar to me :see_no_evil:


There are a few that know about the feminine alter ego, a handful of trusted friends and my step-sister. All have been super supportive. My wife is less of a fan…

As for my other kinks, I pretty much keep those between us two.


My OH knows me through and through, and loves my involvement with Lovehoney.
Apart from that only one close friend knows that I have a toy collection and that I test for Lovehoney. One of my kids made a comment along the lines of ‘Lovehoney again?’ when I was on the forum, and I just said that I did some writing for them, which as I have written professionally in the past didn’t seem remarkable to him.
Wider family are straight-laced and probably think I am too.
I’ve always been quite happy to talk about sex and bodies generally, some friends are the same, some are not.


I’m really sorry. That must hurt. :cry:


Until I started dating my other half last year I didn’t truly know the other side of me. There has always been fantasies and ideas in my head but til I’m met my OH I was never comfortable to explore them. And explore them he have and still do. Only he knows and you lot on here.


Most of my closest friends know about my interests and kinks, and I’m most of their ‘go-to’ for sex advice because they know I’m happy to give them advice, recommendations, or listen to them talk about their interests. I think it’s quite healthy because we can trust one another’s experiences and advice rather than find things online.

My family however, know nothing, my mother knows about LH and used to take parcels for me but she doesn’t agree with BDSM so I keep that side of me private from her, I have 2 younger cousins who come to me for advice, one of them is interested in trying BDSM so him and his girlfriend will ask about my experiences and we regularly facetime and I’ll show them any toys I have that they are interested in trying, as the older cousin though, I hammer in the ‘safe sex’ talk and make sure they are both communicating about sex so they are both clear with one another.

Everyone here, I love you guys! And am so comfortable sharing this side of myself here, you guys are all awesome and how we are all open and supportive of one another is just bloody fantastic! :heart:


I think it’s suboptimal…


I’m quite open about being a pansexual dominant (sometimes switch) fetishist who loves sex toys. Most of my friends know about it and I’m not hiding it from my family, either. :slight_smile:


@Dirty-Wife I can totally relate to this. My man accepts me for exactly who I am and finds me so sexy, which I have not really ever had before.

A few friends know a little about our interests, but not all of it. I think if I told them I tied him up and gave him a golden shower they would be mortified :joy:

But I adore our world and I always say I have been sleeping with this man for 4 years and we have never ever had sex same way twice, because of all the variety and toys etc.


My friends would totally be mortified too, if someone else brought up anything to do with sex or anything related to sex they would totally dismiss the topic, it was hubby that said check out LH, he see an advert so that’s when I found this forum, and I’m so glad I did. It’s amazing that there are so many lovely people here to talk to, share experiences with and advice, we’ve been together for 14 years and never had the same sex twice


Outside the forum I’ve never discussed my fantasies, kinks with anyone, or told anyone I use the forum.

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Pretty much everyone but my parents and the people I work with know. My partner is about the same. We are very into our local BDSM community and almost all of our friends are from there.

I was having a convo with a very good friend of mine the other day, general banter that accidently stumbled onto sensitive ground.

Basically I suggested a bit of “spice” might help him with his relationship, he said “spice is taboo”… I really didn’t think it was nowadays!?

If a man and woman in a long term relationship can’t discuss spicing things up comfortably with each other then perhaps they need couples counselling! I did however say this to him, was I wrong to suggest this, bearing in mind it was meant as banter?

I did apologise for stumbling onto a clearly sensitive subject for him… He has not spoken to me since! Oops!

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