Does anyone else find the “I am not a robot” at login a pain?

Just got asked on my pc to click on the images, it took me 5 sets of pictures before I could log in,

Oh what a pain in the ........

This is a step backwards for lovehoney and will just annoy people and they may just give up and shop elsewhere online.

Its not a pain but a necessary precaution .

As an Ex- moderator myself, I had to sort out the damage on a forum caused by one of these. I had about 30 new threads to remove and many postings within an active thread. One of these can cause a lot of work for a mod as I found out ! I must have spent well over 2 hours work and a thankless task at that.

In view of my experiences I support the team in their decision .

Again I would like to say that I fully agree that it is there, it;s a small inconvenience for some but in the world we have to today it could quite easily be worse without it, people will complain what ever you do but for me I feel the LH site is now more secure than it was before.

I have recently returned to the site, and initially I struggled to get on. I do support the reasoning behind Lovehoney decision to use the pictures at log in, but am getting increasingly frustrated with having to go through 5 pictures to get on the site. I gave up last night at 4, but persevered tonight through 5.

I had completed them all correctly and wonder why there is a necessity for 5?

I think it is a pain in the butt to log in.

I try to be positive, I really do... but his morning it took me 4 attempts to get into my account. I am not sure if I cant tell what is an apartment buidling or why went I clicked on all the cars I could still not get in.

I am all for securing my information but I am hopeful as time goes on this process is more steamlined. It is frankly easier to log into my online banking right now.

Its a bit of a pain but not too much, my phone however never logs me out.

Just a suggestion to make this much more user friendly only have the challenge for signup and if you get your password wrong first time (or after an incorrect login attempt from a single IP if you want to prevent it trying different usernames with the same password)

This would stop both spam bots and brute force attacks and make it much more user friendly without a loss of security.

I don't really mind it.
Although I didn't get it today with my new phone 😕

Unless I'm writing a review I generally only visit the site via my phone and it always keeps logged in.

Umm has it now changed ? i clicked i'm not a robot and i was logged in straight away without the pictures coming up.

teacake wrote:

Umm has it now changed ? i clicked i'm not a robot and i was logged in straight away without the pictures coming up.

It seems to vary ....sometimes I have to go through 5 pics and at others I just need to tick the I'm not a robot box and I'm in !

I still get logged out all the time though .

wildflower wrote:

teacake wrote:

Umm has it now changed ? i clicked i'm not a robot and i was logged in straight away without the pictures coming up.

It seems to vary ....sometimes I have to go through 5 pics and at others I just need to tick the I'm not a robot box and I'm in !

I still get logged out all the time though .

I have noticed that as well teacake...the last three times I have logged on I just clicked I’m not a Robot and it’s gone through without the picture puzzles?

Took me 5 minutes to log in today as it was insisting on doing a voice based confirmation, couldn't understand a word they were saying so it kept rejecting me :(