Feeling rejected

Lots of love . Look after yourself and your son xxxx


Big love to you, definitely spend this weekend treating yourself! Bubble baths, candles, wine, cheeky film!

Fingers crossed your tests come back clear, god he’s such a P.O.S. shagging about without protection and not having the decency to at least let you know so that you can protect yourself! My ex did the same trick, thankfully everything came back clear but I can remember feeling sick to my stomach.

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Ill be back to my normal self tomorrow. Just been up all night after another blow. Everyday I get a little bit stronger x


I’m gunna get smashed this weekend I think lol. Watch 365 ha. Have u watched it on Netflix?

Every day you stay away from him you will. It’s going to be shit over the next weeks but in a few months you’ll be so proud of yourself and I bet an awful lot happier. Stay strong! :kissing_heart:


Hahaha yes I have, a very guilty pleasure! But then my turn ons include being pushed against walls and choked and 365 contains plenty of that.

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Yeah that guy I kissed… I’d told him to watch it. He was like it’s a bit rapey i think I may have scared him off when I was like well yeah. :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Wish my friend had advised me not to wait until the end to F myself. Took me at least half an hour to get in mood again after that final scene :sob::rofl:

That aeroplane scene. It was well sexy

Ok - you need to stop right now.

I understand there is a LO involved but ask yourself - am I happy? Does this person make me feel good about myself? Is this healthy?

Go and read your own post and pretend you didn’t write it - what would you tell the person to do?

You know the answer deep down… nobody should ever make you feel like this and you deserve better. Only YOU can stop this from happening again so look after yourself, come on honey you deserve happiness not sorrow.


Yeah, I very much liked the boat scene, and also the teasing with the spreader bar! Definitely need to sort yourself out before the end lmao that’s very funny.

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@VanillaWithSprinkles @Orgasm_Chaser ooh what am I missing?? I’m intrigued now!

Also @Orgasm_Chaser if you’re having a weak moment, pop on here and tell us, I’m pretty sure someone will be around to give you a gentle push to stay strong :purple_heart:

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@MsSubExperimenter it’s called 365 on Netflix. U HAVE to watch it! @FortySomethingWife ty Hun x

I have to speak to him first. Then get ready for the abuse. Then the hope your happy with yourself


Please try and be strong xxx

Oh 365 Days/365 DNI is very trashy, don’t read too much into the story, just sit back and enjoy the steamy sex scenes!


@VanillaWithSprinkles works for me! :joy:


It sounds like he’s abusing your love for him, and being totally selfish.

It’s hard for us to see the full picture and obviously you have feelings for him, and a child which does make things complicated, however I think you’re only prolonging your own misery here. He doesn’t respect you, which can never lead to a loving a reciprocal relationship


Good for you babe, keep going :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: and sorry for the double post!

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Relationship counselling if you think it will help - Will he go for you and your childs’ sake?
Otherwise, walk for your own sanity, as this sounds like a one way relationship.
Good luck whatever you choose to do.

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Hey @Orgasm_Chaser, I can’t offer any advice, I’ve not been in this situation, but I want you to know I’m thinking of you. I’m sure you’ll get through this.
Hugs :revolving_hearts:

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Hi @Orgasm_Chaser

I’m really sorry this is happening to you. You deserve so much better. It must be so hard to be in love with someone who treats you such a way. But please know your worth!

I’m trying to catch up with all the advice posts. Sorry if questions are repeated.

It sounds to me that he is using you and clearly having his cake and eating it. Especially if there are other women telling you he’s been with them, he’s going back and forth and he’s clearly enjoying it otherwise he would make the effort to get your relationship back on track. This is concerning because how many other women has he been with, you need to put your sexual health first!

What about his mental health? - You said he was addicted, he wanted to loose weight? Is that down to self esteem Or health reasons. These two problems relate mentally. Has he got depression? Or other mental health related issues? This could be linked to his father passing away. - This is one of the biggest issues I face on a daily basis in my relationship. Mental health is one of the biggest cock blocks. My OH has Bipolar ii which is more majored depressive than manic episodes and I get rejected a lot most of the time. It gets to me don’t get me wrong but we work around it and we are happy (sometimes). - find out if there’s anything mentally effecting him and make sure he is taking his medication for it, I notice straight away in my partners behaviour when he doesn’t take his medication. - I attend CBT therapy which in my opinion doesn’t work and didn’t work with my OH either. - does he talk to a psychiatrist? This helps my OH, no group sessions just 1 on 1.

Perhaps try deny him the days he wants to come round for sex. It might be hard but this might trigger his effort into you. If things don’t improve you must consider if this is the sort of relationship you want to stick by. If things don’t get better than I would give him an ultimatum of no sex until effort is made or going separate ways.

Big hugs to you :frowning: xxxxxx

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