GUM Clinic - any experiences

Never been to a GUM clinic however ive always gone to the docs for checks after breaking up with a partner, even when using protection just to make sure and never had any probs x

I can vouch for the clinics in Cambridge to be absolutely fantastic. Everyone I've come across is very friendly and they encourage the attitude that you're going in for a sexual MOT the same way you keep track on your dental and optical health. This is much healthier than making you feel like a wanton hussy for requesting a smear test.

Tigerlilies wrote:

I can vouch for the clinics in Cambridge to be absolutely fantastic. Everyone I've come across is very friendly and they encourage the attitude that you're going in for a sexual MOT the same way you keep track on your dental and optical health. This is much healthier than making you feel like a wanton hussy for requesting a smear test.

Can you request smear tests under 25? My mum had pre-cancerous cells many years ago, and there's always the worry these things can be hereditary!

If you put your foot down and have an undrstanding GP you should be able to get one. Explaining your family history will be a big help.

Personally I believe if you're sexually active then they are relevant. I've always used condoms but I like to keep a tab on what's going on there. Unfortunately it is more cost efficient for the NHS to focus on women over 25.

Bah, no such thing as an understanding GP at my surgery, bunch of rotten swines, the lot of 'em! When I was about 18 I used to see the college nurse for my depo injections, and she kept telling me that as soon as you become sexually active you should start having them. I wish I'd listened to her before they changed the age limit! x

BumLovingCriminal wrote:

Tigerlilies wrote:

I can vouch for the clinics in Cambridge to be absolutely fantastic. Everyone I've come across is very friendly and they encourage the attitude that you're going in for a sexual MOT the same way you keep track on your dental and optical health. This is much healthier than making you feel like a wanton hussy for requesting a smear test.

Can you request smear tests under 25? My mum had pre-cancerous cells many years ago, and there's always the worry these things can be hereditary!

What country do you live in BLC??? Im assuming England right?

Cause im in Wales, and we have smears from the age of 21 xx

Stoopid England! *shakes fist in rage*

I'm moving to Wales. I can get a smear and the welsh accent is sexy. Can I come and live with you Morbidia? I make a mean cup of tea! x

BumLovingCriminal wrote:

Stoopid England! *shakes fist in rage*

I'm moving to Wales. I can get a smear and the welsh accent is sexy. Can I come and live with you Morbidia? I make a mean cup of tea! x

Yeah, it is really stupid, my friend has been having sex since she was 17/18ish, and i'm sure she even had one around then aswell, as you said, if you're sexually active, you should be allowed them!

Oooh, sounds like a plan me dear, i love tea, and a tea servant is the one thing im missing in this house :) xxx

Hells, up here they send you reminders once you are 21 but will check before then if you are sexually active. Come live here BLC , accent is less sexy but I make biscuits to go with tea ;~)

Where do you live, Rowan?

And if there's biscuits on offer at Rowna's house, you might have to do without your tea servant Morbidia! I'm a dirty biscuit slut, especially for chocolate malted milks! x

Dundee lol. However I do not have a Dundonian accent!! Will chocolate chip and walnut cookies do? Or maple and pecan? I'm all out of malted milks a dirty biscuit slut revolution is called for! Cast off your outer respectable guise!

BumLovingCriminal wrote:

Where do you live, Rowan?

And if there's biscuits on offer at Rowna's house, you might have to do without your tea servant Morbidia! I'm a dirty biscuit slut, especially for chocolate malted milks! External Media x

but NHS perscriptions are free in wales too. something to consider lol!

Damnit! I'm auctioning myself off to whoever offers me the best healthcare and most biscuits. Morbidia, Rowan and Sweetlove666, your bids have been registered!


Ive only fleetingly read several comments and I wonder if the general rule seems to be that women are treated with great respect and the men with much criticism??

BumLovingCriminal wrote:

Where do you live, Rowan?

And if there's biscuits on offer at Rowna's house, you might have to do without your tea servant Morbidia! I'm a dirty biscuit slut, especially for chocolate malted milks! External Media x

I'll get you any biscuits you want darling ;) xx

Malteser81 wrote:

Ive only fleetingly read several comments and I wonder if the general rule seems to be that women are treated with great respect and the men with much criticism??

Hmmm interesting point... I do have a few issues with male healthcare, well more the disregard for it!

I know a male friend who wasn't treated very well at a clinic... He was a man slut mind who caught something while cheating (both of them were at it).

Malteser81 wrote:

Ive only fleetingly read several comments and I wonder if the general rule seems to be that women are treated with great respect and the men with much criticism??

i dont think this is nescassarily true, i know when i had the chamydia test at the doctors thatre was a bloke roughly my age do one before me, and we both got the same speech and treatment.

i think it depends on the healthcare professional, and the clinic

We dont have any in Northern Ireland! The entire Northern Irish procedure pisses me off greatly. When I was 17 I came down with all the symptons of a bladder infection, I was worried it could be more as I wasnt that safe when younger I will admit, so I went to my doctors and they told me it wasnt a bladder infection but to go up to the hospital to get checked out (the Royal), as they couldnt do any tests there. There are 4 hospitals one close to me but only one does the tests. I had to take the time off school to go up as they only run Friday mornings, had to get 2 buses and when I got there I was waiting for 4 hours only to be told they had closed and to come back another day.

So a week later I came back and eventually got seen. I will say it was an OK experience they didnt seem judgemental at all. I was told I probably had clymdia and told to take anti-biotics. Got my result a week later and it was nothing a bladder infection!! Duh

If only the doctor could of given me a test or I could of gone somewhere sooner and it would of saved me 3 weeks of worry.

So yeah I wouldnt worry too much about GUM clinics at least you all have one!!

I will say that in Northern Ireland you do get smear tests from the age of 20 though. I got offered one the week after I turned 20.

Seems some stuff they handle better than others.

My local GUM clinic has merged with the family planning clinic, a nightmare to get an appointment. They used to do a drop in clinic for family planning but that changed when they merged. Got an appointment in a couple of weeks to see about getting the implant but might as well get a full check while I'm there. Will report back after my appointment let you all know how it goes. x