How often does everyone have sex?

I feel we have recently drifted apart in the bedroom since our second child last year. We have booked a short holiday without kids for next week and I hope we can use that time to rekindle the spark. Weeks could go past before we would have sex. So I just wanted to know how often does everyone really have sex? Any tips or things to try to rekindle our spark. Thank you

Two or three times a week nowadays.

We are full time carers for our grandchildren so our opportunities are limited. We make sure we make full use of them when they crop up.

We found with younger ones that it was more challenging to find time for each other, I took on some of the house chores to help out and to help ensure my OH had more energy by the end of the day. Our little ones are now all grown up and I still do a lot of the jobs about the house. We tend to have sex about 4 to 5 times a month. The longest time in between would be 7 days at the most.

Every day, often more than once. We haven't missed a day since 2017, and the more sex I have, the more I want. I blame my husband for being bloody good at sex!


53% of the time this year (to be exact)😂😂 I track on a period app and get a weird satisfaction from knowing exactly how much I am getting! However in the past we have gone months between - a highly stressful job had a terrible effect on my libido.

We have sex around 2 or 3 times a week. Work can get in the way or sometimes we are too exhausted from doing house decorating etc.

It would appear to round the average of 2.3 times per week. Some weeks everyday other weeks not at all.

once a week on average probably more iin the winter cos ive got more energy usually due to working less hours !

Nosh wrote:

I feel we have recently drifted apart in the bedroom since our second child last year. We have booked a short holiday without kids for next week and I hope we can use that time to rekindle the spark. Weeks could go past before we would have sex. So I just wanted to know how often does everyone really have sex? Any tips or things to try to rekindle our spark. Thank you

Hi Nosh

How did your holiday go? Did you rekindle the fire?

I want sex and more sex but badly deprived lately. Hub is sufering from a degenerative back bone, with C4 and C5 pressing on his root nerves. He also lost much of his erectile sensation and loosing motivation towards sex. I have not had a penis in there for a while so playing with toys has became my daily affair. What's coming next I don't know? Sigh...

Average once every 2 days, I want it every day but his cock usually doesn't feel fully hard then if we do it every day.

Been together for 15 years.

On average about once or twice a week but thats cause my boyfriend has 2 kids and we don't live together. Id ideally like close to daily.

Before lock down - 3-4 times a week. During lock down - once every 1-2 weeks with masturbation in between.

At least twice a week, depending on work patterns, but lots of wanking in between!

As often as my wife is interested. She has PCOS, so it comes in waves. There are times when we can go for a 3mo drought, and other times where it's marathon sessions every other night. We've been together long enough that I know what's going on and I just take care of things on my own... well... before the cage got put back on lol

We don't live together with any of my partners, so how often we have sex irl varies quite a bit - especially during the pandemic!

Usually it's 2 days a week, with at least 2-3 rounds each day. =)

I would love it every day but unfortunately like so many other people - health and life gets in the way. my wife was a sexual person but recently not very sexy. The sad thing is that I still want to rip her thong off and ride the ass of her after 20 years of marriage but can't. Stay safe

10 years ago.

Me and the wife probably have see around 3 to 4 times a week.

About once a month