More Newbie questions from "Ready to Play" aka "Newbie Who's Here to Irritate" who has more questions (and now an added critique.
I wanted to find a member whose little picture of a girl and her toy is cute but I couldn't remember what her name was. I posted and somebody gave me a link to her profile. All I want is to ask a simple question: where did you find that cartoon and are there more like that at the site?
I thought I'd be able to contact her if she refriended me and she did. But I still can't figure out how to get this question to her.
How can I do this?
After having been posting a bit I do have some thoughts: either I don't know how to use the features or this is not really a "forum" in the classic sense of the word.
With a forum you haves multiple axes of communications and discussions often with each other up and down the thread. It's very organic.
A Forum originally was the center marketplace in a Roman city. The place of markets, finance, etc.
The Disqus is an example of a structure that supports an online forum. Although obviously, since it's completely open it would not be a good choice as it would probably become overun with pervy men trying to hit on ladies. But the structure is great.
If I understand I can't be notified when someone posts. So they can't know when I may have answered their question or if no one is you have to keep going back to see if someone new has posted. It's tedious to keep having to go check a thread every time you want to know if there's been activitiy. If you go weeks without finding activity eventually you just quit checking. This must surely lead to some otherwise awesome threads dying.
The layout be.a nested structure where my response to someone drops right below who I'm responding to slightly indented. I respond to her she gets an email or text message notifying her with a link. She clicks on that link which takes her to a now new subthread one on one with me. She can respond to me and I get an email notifying me and I get taken back to the subthread and I can respond to her. Now we're actually having a discussion - something everyone can see and join or not.
Of course everyone can see this and so maybe someone responds both to me and her. This may be going on up and down the thread. Now we have a forum!
I wouldn't be such a bother about this but after having been here a couple of weeks I really think the Lovehoney Forum is a unique cyber spot where people can come and exchange info on sex toys, sex, and the quality of discussions is awesome. You have Pervs (all of us) but you don't have Preditors who drive away the folks who are needed for a vibrant lively respectful conversation that is going to be of any use to anyone other than some guy whose only intent is to get laid.
I really like that women get to feel safe here because then I actually get to hear what they have to say.
I give these last two paragraphs only to make the owners/staff know that the reason I'm bothering to say something negative is really because I think there's so much positive and its worth taking the bother to even think about it.
In the.meantime how can I pose my question to About Shades of Blue?