Impending snip

Cheers George. How long before you could realistically exercise? Especially how long until you could cycle?

Its not worry free…you can still get sexual transmitted infections etc

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Self love on day 3. Full sex I think day 5

Not unless I cheat on my wife which I wasn’t planning to do


Not many women have replied, for obvious reasons I guess.

Am I the only person who found that it tasted and felt slightly different. I can certainly remember the difference when my ex-husband had his done. I have also had sex with a variety of snipped and non snipped men over the last year, since my divorce, and I have not done a detailed analysis but my impression is that I can tell the difference.

Of course, I could be forming my own bias.

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Would you say it was better tasting before or after? Or just different?

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Subtly different taste, neither better or worse.

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I felt completely back to normal within two weeks but if you do heavy weight lifting, which I do, or things like cycling or contact sports you need to wait 4 weeks to be safe

Just as a little update since some of you, or your partners, were considering getting it done I can safe say 9 months after having it done and 6 months after getting the all clear that a vasectomy was a great decision and has improved our sex life.

Whatever method of contraception you are using this is better - as long as you’re done having kids.

We have more sex now than we’ve had since before we had kids and because we don’t need to worry it’s better too.

Honestly a great decision. If you’re done having children I can’t recommend it enough


I can only add to the positive experiences above.
All done o. The nhs and very simple. Slightly uncomfortable when they did the second side but I manned up obvs!
No real pain after just some swelling which was awkward at worst. Nuts were black for a week.
My gf kept wanting to have a look!
Cracked one out five days after and no probs.
The Dr did a proper job- cut cauterise and clip.

Such freedom now it’s done. Absolutely would recommend anyone thinking of it.

Thanks George. I had it 3 months ago. All ok now, but the long cycling a couple of weeks after we’re a mistake for sure!!


I am 4 weeks since mine, first 3 weeks i had a lot of bruising aroind my left testicle but now all feels fine and just working through clearing the pipes before sending my sample away for the all clear.

Had mine a couple years ago and no issues since. The worst part was that it was fine at a clinic where I work, and everyone knew why I walked out like John Wayne! Had a few knowing well meaning sniggers from colleagues!