Is he just playing me about? Need honest advice

@KinkyMira and @Mr_Kink1

I gave him another chance and he was meant to come tonight (Tues) and he didn’t show up so now he has a massive foot print on his behind and he isn’t welcome at my house anymore and forever


Good on you, @sharbur. You deserve much better than that xx

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You have done the right thing and gave him the benefit of the doubt. At least you can move on now knowing he isn’t right for you. Plenty more fish in the sea


Good on you :clap:t2: He’s proved he’s not right for you with his actions.

Glad you got shot of him. If he’s like this at the start of a relationship, he would only be worse as the initial excitement settled down.


Good on ya @sharbur :+1:

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Sorry to say lovely but I think he is messing you around, at very least he should be messaging you back even if it’s to say he is busy, ignoring someone is never necessary, unless you don’t want anything to do with that person, find something who deserves your time and efforts xxxx

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I’m sorry for you that he didn’t take the final chance you gave him, but in a way it sounds like a blessing, and at least he’s showing enough of his true colours to raise the red flag that you’ve duly noted.
He’s also probably the type that will come knocking for another chance at some point in the future, full of reasons and justifications for his Mr Selfish and Unreliable behaviour that has led to this moment.

I dread to think what would be in store in the future if it carried on, IMHO it sounds like kicking him into touch is absolutely the right call and giving yourself that respect you deserve.


@sharbur Im proud of you. There is so much power in respecting your own boundaries. If you dont, who will?

Im learning that myself!’


In the grand scheme of things its been a month which isnt that much time and he has patched you numerous times. I would move on. Not worth the effort when its not coming from both sides

You’re better off getting rid of him now before he really hurts you. My last relationship went on 4 years too long he’s ignoring me now and it’s horrible

Ignoring someone is childish and rude. I hope you know you’re worth more than that. Its hard to let go when someone won’t respond but once the hurt passes, you’ll hopefully be happy that they took themselves out of the picture. Just never go back.


I would add cowardly to your description!


Okay, i have had 12 years married to a narcissist. I wont post it on here but happy to discuss traits and impact privately, re in a LT relationship if it will assist you. Good luck. Advice, walk away, now

@sharbur - you are someone’s queen.
that guy was a straight up dick - i’m glad you gave him the boot!

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