ladies have you told your partner you are bisexual and if so what was the reaction

my wife recently told me she was bisexual and ive been thinking about it ever since. She teases me like she would a women and this is getting me worked up and excited. However she says it is because when she left her ex husband she wanted to find new things thats before she got with me. she says she is scared of losing me but i have re assured her it is fine has long as she does not do it ehind my back..

I told my OH early in our relationship, at first he was worried as he'd been with a woman before who thought she could date a guy and a girl at the same time because she's bi. I explained that it really isn't like that with me, as far as I'm concerned fancying guys and girls is the same as fancying tall girls and short girls. Now it's fun becuase we go to strip clubs together and get to enjoy talking about it together and I don't worry that he's checking someone out because he'll say and I'll say whether I agree. We're currently looking into a threesome but were both so fussy the girl has to be perfect for us both so it'll be a while

Well no partners have ever been bothered, however the idea of a threesome always comes up within about 30 seconds of my mentioning it and I always have to disappoint them. Because I don't share. So then it sometimes meets mixed reviews, lol x

My experience is very simiar to Young&Fun95's. I told my partner really early on (before we were together even because we were best friends before getting together). It's always just been something that we enjoy and share in. I think it makes us closer because it takes away a lot of the regular jealousy about men looking at other women because he knows it's something he can talk about with me and find out my opinions about any girls he does look at. We've never had a threesome or anything, but would like to in the future, but also have started going to strip clubs which is a nice outlet for my sexuality. The only issue we've really had with it is that because I have a very strong preference towards women sexually, my partner does sometimes feel a bit physically unattractive and it knocks his self-esteem sometimes, but I think that's just because I'm pretty much as far toward the lesbian side of the spectrum as I could be without tipping over into that completely.

LadyS hope you don't mind me asking,

But don't you find it really annoying people presuming you would be up for a threesome just because you are bisexual?

That would annoy the hell out of me lol. X

I prefer the term 'poly' rather than 'bi' tbh. I am attracted to a person, no matter the gender.

I have had ex's (the time of dating) get excited and automatically think I have given the green light for 3sums or for them to watch me with a woman. But it doesn't work like that. I prefer men for relationships and women for sex.

Although, I would be open to a 3 way relationship if it involved another woman and a man but I never mention that. I suppose though, that if you are with the right partner, it wouldn't matter what your orientation is.

I don't think Bi is correctly phrased for many people, as they may not actually do anything about it or strictly just like to watch.

I know the question wasn't aimed at me. But it is so annoying people expecting you to be up for a threesome as soon as you tell them. It's something men jump to straight away. As though we don't get jealous at all. OH is the only person I've ever considered it with, because I trust him, not just to not cheat but to respect my feelings and to know when I'm not Ok and stop even if he wants it

Blueeyes82 wrote:

I prefer the term 'poly' rather than 'bi' tbh. I am attracted to a person, no matter the gender.

I have had ex's (the time of dating) get excited and automatically think I have given the green light for 3sums or for them to watch me with a woman. But it doesn't work like that. I prefer men for relationships and women for sex.

Although, I would be open to a 3 way relationship if it involved another woman and a man but I never mention that. I suppose though, that if you are with the right partner, it wouldn't matter what your orientation is.

I don't think Bi is correctly phrased for many people, as they may not actually do anything about it or strictly just like to watch.

What do you mean don't do anything about it? I think if someone says they're bi, whether they've slept with both genders or not they're bi, it's what they associate with, their decision.

Lollipop ;) wrote:

LadyS hope you don't mind me asking,

But don't you find it really annoying people presuming you would be up for a threesome just because you are bisexual?

That would annoy the hell out of me lol. X

Yep, it can be very frustrating, but I have a jealous streak and I do not like other people touching my toys, lol. It's a concept some people struggle to grasp. But if they don't accept it I know they're not worth my time, because I'm 30, have always been open Bisexual and have never changed my view on this, so doubt I will now


Young and fun95 wrote:

Blueeyes82 wrote:

I prefer the term 'poly' rather than 'bi' tbh. I am attracted to a person, no matter the gender.

I have had ex's (the time of dating) get excited and automatically think I have given the green light for 3sums or for them to watch me with a woman. But it doesn't work like that. I prefer men for relationships and women for sex.

Although, I would be open to a 3 way relationship if it involved another woman and a man but I never mention that. I suppose though, that if you are with the right partner, it wouldn't matter what your orientation is.

I don't think Bi is correctly phrased for many people, as they may not actually do anything about it or strictly just like to watch.

What do you mean don't do anything about it? I think if someone says they're bi, whether they've slept with both genders or not they're bi, it's what they associate with, their decision.

There are many different areas, Bi tendencies, pansexual, poly. Many people who are pan, make it easier just to say bi, leaves less to explain.

I would put myself as pan/poly, as I am attracted to all sorts, be woman, man, transgender, transexual etc.

Nothing wrong with saying bi, nothing at all.

LadyS wrote:

Lollipop ;) wrote:

LadyS hope you don't mind me asking,

But don't you find it really annoying people presuming you would be up for a threesome just because you are bisexual?

That would annoy the hell out of me lol. X

Yep, it can be very frustrating, but I have a jealous streak and I do not like other people touching my toys, lol. It's a concept some people struggle to grasp. But if they don't accept it I know they're not worth my time, because I'm 30, have always been open Bisexual and have never changed my view on this, so doubt I will now


I know that feeling. When I am on a date and maybe I have told him what I do (sex blogger) and my sexuality, it's like an automated green light to lay it all bare on the table. As soon as threesome is mentioned, it is off putting, really puts me off.

I have this vision in my head of me smacking him with a wet fish and walking away.

I told my partner a long time ago: years before I came out to anyone else. He was fine with it, and has never pushed the threesome idea, because I also made it clear that I am a very monogamous kind of person. It's kind of a non-issue. Although since I came out to the rest of my friends and family, I'm now more likely to make comments about girls I think are hot or whatever, and I think that still surprises him a little because I kept all of that stuff to myself for so long. He knew I was bi before we got married, but I don't think he previously realized that that might mean I have a crush on some of the same female celebrities he does. *cough*Natalie Dormer*cough*

Natalie Dormer is awesome!

@girlalive your hubby is the perfect partner!

Thank you ladies and thanks for not thinking I'm being rude for asking such a question. :) xx

I don't blame you ladies for getting annoyed, it would make me really angry and also extremely put me off someone right away.

Lollipop ;) wrote:

Thank you ladies and thanks for not thinking I'm being rude for asking such a question. :) xx

You're most welcome x

It definitely does lollipop! My OH never actually asked about it, I think it was me that led the progression from strip clubs, jokily saying things like "shall we f*** her?" And now it's something we may actually do.

Young and fun95 wrote:

It definitely does lollipop! My OH never actually asked about it, I think it was me that led the progression from strip clubs, jokily saying things like "shall we f*** her?" And now it's something we may actually do.

It's fun, especially when he gets to watch. Worth a try :)

I'm female hubby told me into two days of being together it just didn't bother me he's never acted on it for years now.

Blueeyes82 wrote:

Young and fun95 wrote:

It definitely does lollipop! My OH never actually asked about it, I think it was me that led the progression from strip clubs, jokily saying things like "shall we f*** her?" And now it's something we may actually do.

It's fun, especially when he gets to watch. Worth a try :)

It has to be perfect for us though. And I have bouts of paranoia and jealousy so were both worried I may nit like it as much as I think, but I weren't bad having lap dances at strip club and haven't been for a while so were looking for girls, we're super fussy though