Lovehoney Loyalty: Something new is coming…

Has everybody used their loyalty points up now the new lovehoney loyalty programme is coming in to place?

I have points left to use up by tomorrow and I don’t know what to get!! Interested to hear how the rest of you have used yours up or if you’re not that fussed and just waiting to see what the new programme will be like.

I have 2 left. Not sure they are worth much :grin:

I tried to use my points on an order but I guess I ordered at the wrong time because it just gave me more points for the purchase. Oh well :woman_shrugging:


I had £15 worth so placed a sale order last week :+1:t2: Picked up a few bits :grin:


Placed an order last night to use my points up some lingerie in the sale and a new bigger plug hubby has been eyeing up.
Much needed after a rough week, getting dressed up always makes me feel better.


Does anyone know what the birthday treats are with the new VIP scheme yet?

:joy: I only had like £2 something worth of points but I used them up anyway. every little helps as they say :grin:


Haha I wanted to see if I would get some more sneaky points but no all gone :sweat_smile:

I like the look of the greedy girl rabbit let us know how it is I might have to purchase if it’s still available and you also reminded me to get some wipes :sweat_smile:

I have 107 pts, which I think is worth $2.14 USD? I think. I had an issue on my last order where I thought I was signed in, but I clearly wasn’t, or I would have used the last points. Now I’m not sure I got credit for my purchase in the new VIP Trial Program (since there’s no way to track progress toward VIP rewards, I have no idea).

What ever happened to the new loyalty program starting in April, its now close to the end of August