
Does anybody else’s wife suffer with low libido in menepause,my wife has totally lost hers,and in last 2 years,dont even get a kiss or a cuddle,and really struggling with lack of intimacy, let alone sex,heart is breaking.:tired_face:


The OH has just gone through the menopause and to be honest I didn’t notice that much of a dip in her libido.

But it is an individual change so no two people will experience it exactly the same, I would suggest that you explain to your partner how you feel and see whether a discussion with a medical professional might help.

I would like to think with honest communication and support, you will get through this.


It’s a common side effect of tge menopause…

Its hard but its harder for the ladies very low libido etc…

Talk to her / support her

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My wife didn’t lose libido bur her ability to orgasm and her preferences definitely changed.


I am at peri-menopause, and I haven’t had sex in 3 years and totally lost my libido, no intimacy at all , we are more like room mates.


Same story, but a lot longer time wise. I cannot talk about it as a) I am selfish and do not understand how it is for her , 2) cannot enter as she experiences bad pain (sadly not by my size). She has tried hormone therapy. Disaster… She gets moody to the point I will avoid her. I held out hope for years. Nada. Frustration way high. Recently visited a psychologist (adult ADD go figure) I mentioned and the reply was " once gone its gone ". So for me : grin and bear it. Not my choice but it is saving a lot of arguing and life is sorta more pleasant and frustration level down (but not gone). Wish I could give some hope.

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Yes, my wife is the same, no real interest in sex but loves to cuddle and kiss. She is through the menopause. She is still a great lady and would never be without her. She is just the best.


The opening post on here could have been written by me. We’ve had sex once in the last 3 months. If I’m honest, I’ve always had a much stronger sex drive than my wife, I’ve always been the one that’s pushed for experimentation in the bedroom, etc.

I told her I still care for her very much, I’ve no doubt she loves me, but I don’t feel lusted after. She’s tolerated some of my kinks over the years (to be honest, everything we’ve done from bondage to uniforms to spanking she seems to have really enjoyed), but it’s now got to the stage that I’m concerned I’ll never be sexually fulfilled.

Part of the issue is she’s put on around 2 stone. That doesn’t bother me so much, but I think that’s caused her to lose some of her self confidence. Add to that she’s taken out her hair extensions, as they were being sourced from Russia and she decided to take a stand (which was very good of her!), but again that’s reduced her confidence.

She’s an attractive woman, at 52 can still turn heads, but is rarely out of baggy trousers and loose tops. There’s every possibility we’ll separate in the next month or two.

I know I’m being selfish, but I’m not happy and I that means I’m making her unhappy too.


Sounds like us.:tired_face:

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Sorry to read this :tired_face:

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I have lost my libido and it has REALLY knocked my self esteem. Sex was a big part of my personality and I often initiated it. Fortunately, I have a super supportive husband who makes me feel great. Despite the low libido, I still love getting dressed up in sexy underwear and have started to take more care over my appearance to help me feel better. I have tried Gina and it didn’t suit, but I’m not giving up. It’s about making me feel like a desirable woman again and for my husband to still fancy me as our sex life is a fun part of our partnership.


So sorry to hear of this and sadly it’s very common to happen but on the other hand there are some hormonal treatments like supplements and creams that have been said to help with this :nerd_face:

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The key is to talk about it if your OH is bothered about the lack of labido the she could go see her GP, they can prescribe medication that mim8cs the natural hormone that drives the libido.

It has to be when she is ready though you could talk about it and make sure she is aware of the options but also make sure that you are not putting preasure on her it has to be her choice.

My OH has no labido but it is something I have to live with and just hope that it either changes or she seeks medical intervention.

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Pity you cant buy testrone like men can buy vagra

Talk with her, it’s worth going to see a menopause specialist nurse or doctor.
Mrs J is a nurse specialising in menopause, it’s symptoms and treatment.
She’s been through it herself so understands first hand what it’s like.
There are lots of trained professionals up and down the country, encourage her to speak to someone, they can really help.

I hope she manages to get back to her old self.


Will give it a go,thank you

I offered to get some,but she refused.:tired_face:

@Ajp . A very frank conversation and suggestions of ways to make you both feel more vibrant and alive.
An exercise programme can be beneficial as exercise can boost hormone levels.
You need to explain that understanding is a two way street.
You understand her and want to help her in any way.
She has to want to preserve the intimacy in the relationship and recognise and respect your mindset and desires.
Sex is the mortar that holds the bricks of a relationship together, in whatever form the sex takes.
Its hardly going to be as energetic as when you were first married, but i doubt if that is what you want.
Just loving intimacy i guess.


Me & my wife are going through exactly the same thing right now, it’s been a gradual thing over the past years & we have talked about the lack of anything cuddles,kisses sex. And it’s literally stopped completely now. But we have spoke about it & me & my wife have just hit 40, & a lot of her symptoms match the perimenapouse so she has a GP appointment for this week.


Yes just loving intimacy :pray: