Opposite sex for a day

Well… as a crossdresser, I have often imagined and played with this idea. I think I’d document my day on camera for a start!

Other than that, I think all rules about gender and sexuality should be thrown out of the window and I’d just want to try EVERYTHING that I could fit into my day.

The prospect of experiencing full penetrative sex as a woman to understand and appreciate it from her view in future would be essential, but I’d feel like I’d wasted my opportunity if I didn’t take different types of partners and orgasm multiple times for different reasons!


That is an amazing idea! I 100% agree! :slight_smile:

I know it sounds terrible but I’d get completely pounded out world’s largest gangbang and bukkake


It’s ambitious hahaha but amazing! If you get the chance, you might as well go all out haha!

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I’d like to be a woman for a day. I want to be able to experience Vaginal penetration and multiple orgasms.


@rockstar Same. I’ve always thought it would at the very least be interesting and cool to experience things from a woman’s perspective.

I think it would help me understand things better and make me a better lover/pleaser. Though if I liked the woman’s side too much… gulp

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@smithjoshua570 lol I might do the same now that I think about it :slight_smile:


My biggest fantasy regardless if I was q woman or mqn

@UKlovingcouple Great question! As far as what I’d like to do to myself, I’d HAVE to check out fingering my clit! Absolutely! Of course feeling my own breasts and stimulating my nipples would be a must.

Also feeling what it’s like from the woman’s pov as far as being penetrated vaginally and different positions.

Feeling the emotional changes that my monthly cycle does to me would be an interesting experience too. I’d like to experience everything from going into it to leaving it and having my normal emotions restored. Deciding whether I like pads or tampons better.

Don’t know if I could do the whole giving birth thing. Sorry ladies, I’m too chicken :stuck_out_tongue:

Being DP’d or even triple penetration. Being the girl in the middle seems like it would be so fun!

Seeing my hubby’s reaction to my lingerie or my Mistress clothing :smiley:

Flirting with people and seeing their reactions. Wearing a short skirt and feeling a hand grab my a$$.

Wearing a low-cut neckline and experiencing the feeling of having my breasts moved out of them for the enjoyment of my lover.

Being motorboated. Having my hair gripped in a ponytail as my lover forces my mouth all the way down his c0ck.

Guess that’s some things lol


If I were a male for a day I’d probably start off by standing in a mirror and helicopter-ing my dick around a little.

I’d also want to have sex with a woman to see what it feels like to be on the other side.

I’d want to try urethral sounding. As a female I’m obsessed with watching it so as a male I’d want to try it.

And lastly I’d probably just lay on the couch and scratch my balls because every one of my male partners has done that so it must feel good.


I find it interesting not only thinking about what I’d do as a woman, but also hearing what a woman would like to do as a guy. Great thread :slight_smile:

Well said :v:

Of course I’d be interested in what sex is like for the other gender. I’d also like to know what it’s like to go out for a drink and have a party and not have to worry about being hit on or watching my drink. I guess the only downside to that would be I’d have to used the men’s toilets which I imagine are vile!

But I’d probably do what @Candace1 suggested first and helicopter and then have a long ball scratch :rofl:


Bravo good sir. :clap:

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Would so wanna know what it’s like to have a dick and fuck someone :joy:. Tried this with a strap-on but not quite the same, haha.


If I was a female for the day, I’d spend some time playing with myself and probably have a threesome or more. Think I’d be a right slut for a day.


Play with my balls a bit then go and drive a digger.
Walk home from a night out without worrying about being raped.
Fix an engine.
Play with my balls watching telly
Drink beer on my own in a pub without being stared at or chatted up.


I’d be a right lazy slob and gobshite, slap my Mrs on the ass go down the pub for hours and hours then come home really happy and ask for a blowy then piss all over the back of the toilet before leaving my socks on the floor and crashing out holding my balls… the end



I’d bounce your sorry ass down the stairs, drag it out the back door. Lock the b*stand, then throw a saucepan of ice cold water at you from the bedroom window, complete with said pan
All the goodnights


Hahaha id deserve it but I’d like too see how it feels to be an asshole for the day