Period help - confused - health

Hi. So this topic is mostly looking for women’s advice about periods but men can chime in too if they want.

I started my period when I had just turned 11 and I am almost 20 now and for most of those years I have been using tampons. For the last 4 months however, I’ve noticed they are stopping my periods somewhat and delaying them so they are a day late? Whenever I wear a lite one, I wear it for about 6 hours and then take it out and if I put another one in, nothing at all would go on it in the 6 hours I would have it in. I would have to wait 4 hours to put a new one in or it would be whoosh. It is really hard to explain. I used to be really heavy and now it’s like I’m super light? I am sexually active but I know for a fact I’m not pregnant and we always use protection. I got blood tests the other week and they came out negative. Now whenever I wear a menstrual cup, most days I almost fill the whole cup. Could tampons possibly be stopping my period from coming out? It’s like when I don’t wear them it’s whoosh a river and then almost nonexistent when I wear a tampon.

All advice is welcome.

I’ve just googled and apparently this is a thing. I have nothing more to add than to say it sounds like your body isn’t happy with tampons.
I use reusable washable pads and my periods are less painful and more regular now than ever.


These exist!? Where do you get them if you don’t mind me asking? So much better for the environment. I have really sensitive skin and always buy organic cotton ones and try to buy a brand which is as environmentally friendly as possible but they are so expensive and throwing things away constantly can never be very sustainable. something like this might be better for my skin too.


Hmmmm that’s odd, I haven’t heard of that happening before.
I an unsure of why that’s been happening however, I would suggest that you just continue to use a menstrual cup as it is much better for you, plus you can keep an eye on your cycle.
If you’ve had some tests any everything else seems OK in yourself then I wouldn’t worry too much, sometime our cycles aren’t always the same.

I generally use a cup but sometimes if it’s super heavy then I back up with some period pants.


Google search “candy cat pins” on socials.
Wonderful lady who also sells on ebay.
I recommend to everyone x


Back in the day when I had periods I had something similar to what you’re describing @sharbur Sometimes I’d have a job to pull the tampon out because everything was still so dry in there with virtually no blood! But when I swapped back to sanitary towels they were soaked in an hour sometimes, I thought it was just me!
I also just googled it too. Maybe tampons just don’t suit some women.

Thank goodness those days are behind me now, I don’t miss periods one little bit :slightly_smiling_face:


I have issues with tampons stopping flow too, so only use them for swimming.

I now also use reusable pads and I’m much happier, periods are shorter than with disposable pads too, and only hurt for the 1 day of 5 :+1:


Ahh periods- the Bain of my existence! I know what you mean I used to have that too. I think it’s because tampons absorb all of the blood which makes it seem less rather than if it were on a pad and they actually dry you up by absorbing all the moisture that’s why you have nothing for 6 hours.
Whereas the cups fill like a normal flow as nothings being drawn out.

Pads essentially do the same thing, the chemicals in the materials used absorb all the moisture and draw blood out that’s why it seems like a lot on the pad and you kind of just sit on it.

I have been using reusable cotton pads and I’ve found that my periods are much much lighter now. I used to use only night pads every day of my period day and night changing them 6-8 times a day (so heavy) unless it was the last day or two and now I only use regular sized cotton pads and change them roughly 3 times a day. The difference in my flow has been insane!!

If you are happy with the cups I say stick to them for a while and see if your periods become regular again with a steady flow. Or stick to the tampons if they suit you it’s all trial and error!

Omg they are amazing I use a brand called imse vimse but you can buy them from Etsy or eBay as @Mrs.John mentioned and support local businesses.

I have very sensitive skin and found I was basically getting nappy rashes with the always pads but now I don’t even feel anything with the cotton pads and I never leak!! I could go on and on about the benefits of making the switch but I won’t bore everyone :sweat_smile:


My OH has recently switched to reusable pads (she actually makes her own (she’s a bit of a whizz with an overlocker (whatever that is)). But also has tried a few of the ‘cups’ She seems quite happy with the ‘Ziggy cup’ which is basically a diaphragm type thing that you insert inside yourself - it took her a little while to get the fit right, but she says they’re also very comfy and easy to use (if you don’t mind removing and washing etc). The ziggy cup also has a benefit that I can be worn during sex - so if your someone who is horny during thier period it could be good for that too. I had high hopes - but sadly my wife is the opposite during her period and isn’t in the mood at all ‘during’.

Hope this helps - both are more environmentally friendly - both take getting used to - but for some they’re great…for others I guess not so much - but maybe worth a try.

I use reusable pads too, they’re so much more effective and cheaper as well as better for the environment. Only thing is i feel like serial killer each month tipping what looks like a bucket full of blood down the loo (as i soak mine overnight in cold water with a sterilising tablet) (though it’ll be worse once i have a garden as I’m considering trying using it as fertiliser)


@sharbur I just remembered they also do cotton reusable tampons, it’s just a bit of fabric rolled up but that’s always another option if you wanted to go that way. I’ve never used them as I don’t use tampons for the very reason you mentioned but I’ve seen the reusable ones around for tampon wearers.

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Haha I rinse mine after each use and I have that weird feeling of murder on my hands when washing down the sink!! Obviously no crime committed guys :sweat_smile:

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Really this is a question you should be asking a GP if it’s worrying you.

All I can say is my GP tells all her female patients to not use tampons due to complications they can cause, the risks are small but still there. Current debate is to whether the synthetic fibres increase chance of cervical cancer and tampons have been know to cause toxic shock syndrome.

Thanks everyone for replying. I thought I was the only one with this problem and I’m glad I’m not because I don’t know anyone else that has this problem. I guess tampons just don’t work on my body anymore so I am going to stick to my trusty menstrual cups :slight_smile:


@FireCracker89 I did mention it to my doctor when I was getting tests done the other week and she said she didn’t really know as she had never heard of this problem so that is why I’m asking if any other women on here had this problem.

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This has remined me about a funny moment last year.
I’d washed a pad in the machine and hung to dry on the airer. My early teen son was talking to me and absent mindedly playing with the pad (flicking it etc).
He then asked what it was. I said “ladies thing, reusable and better for the environment”.
Look on his face was priceless, like too much information mother :sweat_smile:


They’re really good.

My wife uses them and a lot of her friend have started using them too.

My wife says that, beside them being eco friendly, she finds them so much more comfortable that disposable towels. She wished she knew about them before.

She uses mainly honour your flow pads now I think, but there’s quite a lot of choice these days.

We’ve also learnt that washable period pants exist. Another very good idea. There are a few options on the market for eco friendly sanitary products.


@Kitty-Cat01 try pretty period, crimson moon, ali babas, earthshine luxe, nooby noo (all on facebook).


Thanks @Cali_Nyx, I’ve switched to period pants now. So much better! I was only trying for environmental reasons and was worried that they would be a bit gross and wouldn’t work for me due to really heavy periods but they are so much better and more comfortable. Very happy with the switch :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: