Sex and orgasms after a hysterectomy

Those of you that have been around a while may know I've had womb issues for years. Two ops on it and they keep failing and the issues keep reoccurring.
So at 35 I'm looking at a hysterectomy probably early next year.

So I want advice and tips from women that have had them. Was sex and orgasms still the same for you after?

I'm keeping my ovaries so I won't have early menopause.

Hi i had a historectomy and I'm going through the menopause my sex drive i carnt get enough off it yes I'm going through a bad time with the menopause yes i still orgasm as the same as before xxx

Thankyou for the reply.
I'm sorry you're having a bad time with it. Research says even with my ovaries intacti will likely still go through the menopause in up to 5 years.

They took my womb but left the ovaries in i had a smear test and it come back abnormal cells i had treatment for it but ny periods where a night mare i tried the pill the coil nothing worked 3 years i was left like that until i begged my doctor for a historectomy i he agreed but sex i don't know if it's cause I'm with someone new but i carnt get enough off it yes i have to use lube a little hope that helps feel free to ask anything and i hope you are ok xx 💖

Thankyou hunny,
I have to use lube usually anyways so that's fine with me.
I will loose my cervix too. I can't keep it.
How long ago did you have the op? Just curious because you say they left the ovaries in but you're having the menopause. Just gives me a rough idea I guess x

Same i have no cervix to i got mine done 5 year ago i had a blood test done a month ago as something wasn't right n that was it the menopause xxxx

So my research is right, roughly five years.
Okay I can handle that. X

I carnt take h r t so I'm trying herbal remedies but they haven't kicking yet so that's why I'm finding it hard but as from having the historectomy i haven't looked back yes i was young wen i got it n they said what if i want more kids but i already had two i didn't want any more they done my historectomy through my bellybutton a was off my feet for a week but after that i was fine i had a life xxxx

Sorry I'm typing on my phone i carnt find my glasses so i no I've missed things out i know women say they don't feel like a woman after but i was fine xxx

Sorry I'm typing on my phone i carnt find my glasses so i no I've missed things out i know women say they don't feel like a woman after but i was fine xxx

Thankyou so much.

Mine will be laparoscopic too.

My surgeon Is one of the best at that so ill be good.

Thankyou for your help you have helped so much x

Any thing else I'm here sorry if i don't put my words across well but don't worry about a thing xxxxx

Pinkanimal if you want to ask anything else I'm here xxx

Hi pink animal, I had my hysterectomy about 3 years ago . I had a vertical incision ( not the best looks wise ) and I opted to keep my ovaries as I didn't want to be going through a surgically induced menopause at the same time as recovering from a major op. I didn't keep my cervix though .
I think I'm menopausal now but I suspect that's more due to my age ( 53 ) than anything else .
I had a brilliant consultant/ surgeon who assured me that everything would be pretty much the same orgasm wise after the op and he was right .I do struggle more with getting a g spot orgasm but they were always a bit rare even before , clitoral orgasms feel the same though they maybe end a little more abruptly now than they used to . Sex doesn't feel any different and although you lose a tiny bit of length of the vaginal canal when they take the cervix ,it doesnt seem to make any difference to full penetration.
I am a great believer in lots of lube anyway so there's no probs in that area either .
My advice is don't worry about it too much , go into it with a positive attitude and you'll make a good recovery
If there's anything else you want to ask feel free x

Hi wildflower you have put it better than me my consultant was the best he really explained every thing down to the last bit xxx

Hunny bun , yeah my consultant was much more informative than doctor who seemed to be embarrassed to discuss my sexual concerns and referred me back to consultant so he could do it !

My consultant new i didn't want any more kids and for 3 years i tried everything to help my periods i had no life i said how cud i have any more kids with the way i am after i got it done yes i had loads of things running through my mind about sex i just took my time and i was fine even now with my new partner i still orgasm but just use i bit more lub hope you are ok xx 💖

Everything's good with me and I certainly don't regret having it done ( I pretty much had to have it as there was no other way ) and best of all no more hideous periods yay ! 😀

Exactly i kept on buying tampax cause i thought i was atill having periods i haven't looked back after that getting it done xxxxx💖

Pinkanimal if you want to ask anything else I'm here xxx💖

hi, i was 25 when i had my hysterectomy, i had it done vaginally so they took my cervix but left my ovaries because of my age, now 38 and been menopausal for the last 2 and a half years, just to re-assure you, sex and orgasms were no different afterwards to before, i was VERY worried about losing that as sex is a very important part of my life, plaese don't worry, enjoy the freedom it gives you, just look after yourself for 6 weeks and don't rush your recovery, take care and good luck xxxxx

Hi pinkanimal, I had surgery almost 2 years ago to remove a large dermoid tumour on my ovary. At the time I was told I would have a full hysterectomy as there was a chance it was cancerous (luckily it was benign).

I ended up having the tumour, one ovary and fallopian tube removed. I know it is not the same as a full hysterectomy, but my hormones were still affected, and it did take time to settle down, as recovery took a while, both physically and emotionally. Don't rush anything afterwards, and take your time to build up to full sex. However, I'm pleased to say that my sex drive and orgasms are still as powerful as they were before the op. I really hope everything goes well for you Hun :) xx