Sex toys or Real thing....

I relighted my sex life a few months ago and was having good fun.....then I found LH and find my toys are a hell of alot better than the real thing (think DH has run out of steam...but I'm still on full power !!)

I prefer the real thing. The touching, the eye contact, the connection......etc etc, but sex toys do come in handy whether solo or used as a couple.

Has to be the real thing for me no matter how fantastic a piece of plastic or rubber is or feels, it never gives anything back, no warmth emotion or even hugs and kisses and there's no way in the world it could make a coffee

Im another vote for the real thing but i do love using my toys just they cant give you a cuddle after

Problem I seem to have is no big "O"from real fire starts but think DH needs to learn keep going !!!

100% the real thing.

I always just think of sex toys as being a part of forplay. Most of the time I'll have many orgasams during forplay, but I never feel fully satisfied unless I've an Orgasam from the real thing.

cherie wrote:

Problem I seem to have is no big "O"from real fire starts but think DH needs to learn keep going !!!

Have you tried using toys during intercourse? Best of both worlds! :)

nothing beats the real thing for physical feeling and emotional feeling too.

Toys for me are fun and an addition to play, but certainly no means a replacement for the real deal

Lovebirds_x wrote:

Have you tried using toys during intercourse? Best of both worlds! :)

Definitely in the agreement about both, having recently had surgery there's definitely some cases where the mind is willing but the body is broken.

However, as long as my mind is willing and the batteries don't go flat... Well, best of both worlds as so accurately explained.

I would gladly throw away all my toys (even though they have brought me to a fairly satisfying orgasm many, many times) should doing so mean that I could get just one opportunity to cuddle with a real man who doesn't think I am just a fat, hideous, dull swot. Being able to feel the warmth of a living body (even if all the clothes stayed on) and the actual heartbeat, the raising and falling of the chest, to smell, and to see a smile is something I would consider far more amazing than any sex toy; I can save up and buy a toy any time, I can take it out and get some satisfaction from it whenever I feel like it, yet I have never felt genuinely wanted by anyone; if I could get just one opportunity, I would really treasure it. Toys can be replaced easily while love, intimacy, emotional and physical closeness can turn out to be something less attractive and not particularly interesting people may not reach.

I'd choose the real thing every time. Toys add variety and can make already fantastic sex even better but nothing beats the intimacy of sex with my man. Quiet after sex cuddles are the best :)

I'm with Briona, physical closeness is taken for granted, even simple things like a quick kiss on the cheek, a cuddle, or a warm body sleeping by your side. All of that, love, commitment, desire just to be close and wanting to be together, means far more than any kind of sex, be it real or artificial.

I'm with the majority here, nothing beats the intimacy of a real man or the cuddles afterwards, but if you can have both at the same time it's a massive bonus!

Nothing compares to the real thing :)

If I had to choose between a vibrator or a guy,I would definitely go for the guy.That being said,there' no harm in incorporating toys into the sex for a little extra fun.

As much as I love my toys nothing beats physical contact although I like to get the best of both worlds by including them in sex .

As much as i love toys they can't hold you and whisper sweet nothings in your ear or snuggle up to you on a cold night, they enhance sex & foreplay and in those single partner free periods they do plug gap when you get the urge

Atm... I would kill for some real action....but I think I am at that stage where I have been single long enough...and having sex with someone that you can be intimate and enjoy coming alive when he touches you...
A toy can,get you the destination...but I could do with the company for the journey

Real thing all the way for me too - you can get almost anything you want in replica format now and spend huge amounts of money on realism - but they're all trying to imitate, and if you're imitating then by nature its a 2nd class effort. Toys for me are for fun, and they're great for that, but they're not a replacement.

Yep real thing for me too, even toys have to be with my OH., I just can't enjoy it without him