It's almost bramble season and I was wondering if any of the OA had any easy bramble jam recipes they could share???

Jam! Strawberry jam butties! Oh yes!

An easy Bramble jam recipie SLM. . . .

1lb Blackberries, 94 ml water, juice and rind of 1/3 lemon, 1lb sugar.

Put cleaned fruit, water and lemon rind and juice into a pan and bring to a simmer, cook until fruit is soft (at this point I usually blend it in the pan with a stick blender!). Stir in the sugar and bring to a full boil until the setting period is reached. When reached remove from heat, skim it off, pot it up and cover! Done! :-)

For anyone not sure (I know you will be Minx!) the setting point is when whilst it's on the boil you spoon some out and put it on a plate and it hardens (from liquid to a jam) in about 1-2 mins.

Good luck as jam making can be a bit hit and miss. SG x

Oooh thanks SG. Jam is something I've never tried to make myself.

Was out with the dog and noticed it wouldn't be long until the brambles would be ready and there are loads of places round here with wild brambles, was my lad who suggested we make jam. Will let you know how it turns out. They should be ready in a few weeks I think. x

If you put your plate in the freezer before hand it works better as the setting point shows earlier and you're less likely to leave your jam on the heat too long.

Good tip Sharry! I've never thought/heard of that! SG x