
Bit of a naïve question, but does it feel and look the same when you cum? I know that sperm from the testes isn’t the only constituent of semen, and that there are all sorts of areas and glands that do add to semen, but does it all behave and look the same after a vasectomy? Do you feel like you cum less volume than before?

I had mine done few years ago, at about 40. It seems like different areas have different pathways for referrals etc. I just emailed service direct and appointment for meeting came quickly afterwards. No counselling or anything but meeting with nurse beforehand to talk it through, didn’t need partner there. Then procedure few weeks after that. As has been said make time to not be too active for few days after and wearing supportive undies, and expect some colourful bruising, that’s normal, lots of pictures on line to compare your bruising! Quick prodcedure, in and out in 20 minutes.
Good luck

0 difference what so ever.

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I can only speak for myself by Ironically so far I actually feel like it’s increased in volume. It Still feels the same, although it’s a bit more liquidity.

After the operation you have 16 weeks to ejaculate 50 times, (To clear the tubes) then you have to send of a sample to a lab and await the results. I am still in that 16 week period it might be different for someone who is well past that timeframe.

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Wow I didn’t know you had to clear the tubes. What an order! “You must ejaculate!” Im sure you were so very upset about that(!) :wink:

Hi. I am signed up to get mine. Just had call assessment. Your age might be sn issue as they don’t normally agree to under 30s getting it. Find your local sex clinic and they will advise you where to go

There is no no difference whatsoever when you cum after having the snip.


I’m currently trying to encourage my hubby to have a vasectomy. He doesn’t want more children. He has 3, 1 from a previous and we have 2 together. He says I should have it instead BUT if we did split and I was financially able I would want more kids, whereas he wouldn’t. The only thing that puts him off is being awake during the procedure. He’s scared he will get a boner and be embarrassed! I’m fed up of being the one controlling if we have babies through taking the pill, I’ve been in control for the last 14 years surely its his turn to take the batton now :laughing:


You can request a general anesthetic


Honestly, I would just ask! Yes, there can be some push back for younger guys, but given you have that many kids I reckon you definitely have a chance.

Just for reference, my partner got a vasectomy on the NHS a couple of years ago aged 27 with NO kids and he had no problems at all!

I don’t know much about this subject but surely if you can show to the doctor your 100% sure you want this and that other methods aren’t of better use then who are they to tell you no :man_shrugging:

I’ve heard they can be reversed as well so if later down the line you change mind then it can be amended

Thankyou all for your response made me feel more at ease that all I have to do it make it known to them that I am 100% sure this is what I want

I understand the what if years down the line bit but honestly I think that 3 is enough :joy:

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:joy: Can’t speak for him but the fear I had once the pants came down and the needles came out ensured there was 0 chance that was going to happen


Yeah there was no hot nurse fantasy going on for me, had an older half retired man cutting into my sack. Might have worked for someone but there was not an erection to be had that day lol


I’m 41 married with 2 kids and my wife and I 100% don’t want any more kids, but I’m very nervous about getting it done. Such as does it hurt, can I be put asleep, does it hurt when u get an unexpected boner, does it hurt in the shower, etc

yeah you can get knocked out if you like.
I did it in chair, takes 15 min. They do give you pain killers and stuff so you just feel a bee sting and a bit of pulling around down there. Pain after is not that bad and goes away. I think I had a quick pull the day after with no real issues just to make sure it all still worked lol
No pain from it all past a few weeks max. Just book in a week off doing anything after you get it done so you don’t get any complications.

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Ive already said that I had mine when I was 26. That was 26 years ago and I have no regrets at all. Mine was done under a local anaesthetic and took about 15-20 mins. I chatted to one of the nurses and was unaware of what was going on. Went home a couple of hours later. Paracetamol for a couple of days and a bit of bruising, but nothing that would stop me doing it again. Erections and showers were not a problem. Best decsion I made.


@Arronw I had mine at 27 after one child (which, after the fact, turned out to be a blessing in disguise). The doc had no issues doing it for me, however it WAS a long time ago. It will really depend on the GP/surgeon you go to.


I posted on the rant thread last year about him being put on an NHS waiting list, which we were told would be 18 months, but 10 months later he has an appointment! We were sent a DVD we had to watch, then he had to answer a few questions when he booked, but otherwise all smooth sailing so far :crossed_fingers:


My hubby is on the waiting list, that seems to be never ending due to covid grr. He was told a rough time scale of Dec/Jan but so far heard nothing.
Speedy recovery for your hubby :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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