
I got snipped last February and am in my 30’s (and also in the US).

It was a quick procedure, took maybe 20-30 minutes tops but the recovery was several days of rest and icing. I highly recommend bags of frozen peas for the recovery period.


Still waiting but my hubby had a consultation this month and then it’ll be waiting list again for the op… been waiting for a while!


For such a quick procedure the waiting lists are soooo long :laughing:


I can assure him, there is no chance of him being aroused through that procedure.
Personally I wouldn’t want anyone coming near me with anything sharper than teeth if I was awake.
There is absolutely nothing arousing about the procedure, so tell him to man up and get it done.

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Sorry I think that reply should have gone to @FortySomethingWife

Haha nope it was my hubby who was worried about it :laughing: he has took the plunge but is now on a long waiting list
Been waiting a fair few months already and was advised end of last year to beginning of this so hopeful be soon!

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I was given a general anesthetic ( surgeon said he preferred using general) . Think they can be more intrusive and put in an extra knot :joy:.
Seriously, I was out for about 25 mins no more .Apart from a mild ache the next day it was a breeze and quite liberating knowing you can bonk to your hearts content without any thought. My wife relaxed and felt better not having to think about contraception.
Oh and tell him he will not notice any difference with his orgasm. Not to be too graphic, just a more liquid ejaculate.
The vasectomy I got was referred to as a bilateral. An H shaped scar on both balls.
You will both be glad he had the procedure.
Have lots of sex fun.


That’s the part I can’t wait for, not have to worry if I’m gunna get pregnant!! Birth control sends me crazy and condoms are just a faf. Lol thanks for the reassurance il tell him :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I have literally just had a call to go in for mine - only 2 and half years on the waiting list :rofl:
Granted, covid would have had an impact but hey. Since that time my BH been done, but going to go ahead and face my fears.
@Iwill I asked if they would knock me out for mine, and the clinic only do local. I have a neurological condition and my legs can go into spasms, so they’ll either have to refer me, tie the legs up, or accept they’ll take a knee to the head at some point.

I have to say, lots of fear around anything surgical for me - would much rather be out of it, wake up and it all be done and dusted. Will see what they say when I have the consult with the doc :slight_smile:


Wishing you all the best, I’m sure you will be fine… pair of tight budgie smugglers might be required for a few days though…just for support. :joy:

Yes, definitely briefs, not boxers. Coming from personal experience lol :smiley:

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Thanks for the reminder - just bought hubby some y fronts ready for his snip in 2 weeks!


Thanks @Iwill, yeah it’s one of those things where my head will make it out to be a lot worse than it is.
Will definitely get myself some budgie smugglers to help through the first few days or so :smiley:

@WelshDragonette I wish him all the best!

Image removed

@Lovehoney_Brenna … OK OK…I thought it was a humorous photo upload relating to the vasectomy thread… just a little joke to put @Mr_Kink1 at ease.

Images must only be shared in the dedicated #your-photos category (with the exception of images from the Lovehoney website)

Ok fair enough… I thought it was funny though :joy: maybe just me.

If you wish to share the image it can be posted in this dedicated thread and linked here:

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I’m sure it would have been funny, unfortunately I missed the moment.
Sorry you got your bum smacked by @Lovehoney_Brenna :smiley:

It was a cartoon picture, of a guy with a wheel barrow , carrying his undercarriage. :grin: . Just intended as a bit of lighthearted fun.