What are you currently doing?

Watching Jamie and jimmy’s Friday night feast on catch up

Currently on our way to do the weekly shop with the youngest granddaughter in tow…
Car rule is whoever drives choses the music (if it can be called that…)

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I’m so sorry to hear about your sad loss @KinkyMira, sending lots of hugs

Thanks so much @Knight1119 @teacake @WillC @pootle @steve19 and everyone who liked etc. Means a lot.

So agree with this. I had a chance to see her in December, but it was difficult timing and would cost us a packet with travel and hotels. But we decided to do it anyway, and I remember saying to my husband “You never know, this might be the last chance we have”. It wasn’t a premonition, just a statement of fact. Was a right pain in the arse having to rearrange things, but we did and had a lovely time together. And I’m sooooo glad I did. Imagine how awful I’d have felt if I couldn’t have been arsed. Very grateful to have had one last hurrah and a bloody good time at that too.

Her husband has asked me to write a piece for the funeral, and me, husband, Vicki and Laura have been spending the day laughing at the absurd things we did. Quite a tonic actually. The number of times over the years we both teetered on the edge of laughter and she shot me a look saying “Don’t”. Honestly, would I? :innocent: Probably yes :rofl:


You’re very welcome @KinkyMira :hugs::hugs:

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I’m sorry for your loss and happy that you don’t have the guilt hanging over you and clouding things when you should be celebrating your memories :black_heart:

Thanks @JoCat. xx

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Just spent 15 minutes hand draining a dishwasher of scalding hot water with a saucepan and tiny bowl because a roommate managed to screw it up before going out to dinner and of course I’m the only one home to fix it :joy:

So I’m currently nursing my fingers with some cold water and ice in rotation

(No idea what they did, but the arguments weren’t worth leaving it like that :sweat_smile:)

Vehicle maintenance afternoon for me…

Went shopping earlier, just eaten lunch, then got my tattoo at half 3.

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Based on everyone i know’s recommendations i am watching Happy Valley from episode one, series one!

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I’m off to the post office to claim my cost of living payment, months after the rest of UK got theres because I live in Cinderella-land :rofl:

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Just been to see Plane with Gerard Butler. W*NK bank material sorted for later :drooling_face:

Now getting pizzaaaaa


eagerly awaiting the green flag on the 61st annual running of the Rolex24 hour race at Daytona. Peacock is streaming flag-to flag coverage.

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Just got home from work , having dinner then going to bed.


Just had a day with my son, went a seaside walk, seal spotting etc then went to watch my old rugby team bear one of our rivals. Hes just been picked up by satan…sorry his mother and im bored now


Back in the day it was Netflix and chill. Now it’s Netflix and stuff my face with snacks whilst on the sofa :rofl::rofl: that’s what I’m currently doing lol

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Currently sat drinking my morning coffee wondering what shite awaits me as I’m not onthe road today​:thinking::thinking::thinking::face_exhaling::face_exhaling::face_exhaling:


Coffee in hand whilst watching the cricket. Happy Sunday everyone x


Working, but I feel like death today. Knew I had a cold coming but geez, I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus and I’m white as a sheet :sneezing_face::sneezing_face: