where you" naughty" before or after your current partner

I was always keen to be adventurous in my early relationships and on the whole enjoyed some great times. Was not really until I met my wife (Mrs. Pirate) until we both explored a little further.

I'd like to try meeting another couple - perhaps where both are bi-curious, but Mrs. Pirate is not so sure!

With a young family opportunities for long evenings of fun are limited... but we both love it when we arrange one.

Lets, there's no need to keep spamming the forum with the same message. Read the rules http://www.lovehoney.co.uk/help/forum-rules/ and the FAQ http://www.lovehoney.co.uk/help/forums/

[Clarification from mod: We have removed the post that DavidB1986 is referring to here. We don't like spam either. Thanks David!]

You're welcome :D

I have always been into naughty things. More like anything for a good laugh. I have to say that i was alot more naughty before and than work and resposibilities took over and everything went down but now again trying to pick myself up and hopefully get into naugties again :)

You need a fellow naughty to tempt you out of your shell..... You can't hide in there forever....πŸ˜‰πŸ˜€

It gets a bit difficult when you are looking after someone with disabilities. But yes i know that i cant hide forever and might need someone to tempt me to get out of my shell :)

Waves lettuce.......πŸ˜‰

Yummmyyyyyyyy......lettuce NOT :p

All tortoises like lettuce....... Waves a juicy carrot

Yummmyyyyyy is on the left side and lettuce on the right LOL i love carrots as well but would love to eat some meat :D

My story is a pretty long one. :)

I grew up being taught that my virginity was extremely important and that sex should not happen in any context except marriage. Not only that, but anything that could lead to sex, whether kissing, 'petting,' even the most inocuous of love scenes in movies, or even just being alone was right out. When I hit puberty (and early; I'm in my third decade of life and have been dealing with periods for 15 years) I went to a very conservative Christian school that gave us an astoundingly incomplete picture of sex. I remember a lot of horror stories about teen pregnancy, a little bit of masturbation-shaming, and some surprisingly frank discussion of body parts. There was also a ton of stuff about how babies develop, but disturbingly little about birth control. They had us watch a video about putting on a condom (which was probably state-mandated) but we never practiced. When I went to public school, it was all about disease prevention and they made us look at pictures of genital warts and such. There might have also been some discussion of condoms here, but as it took place in Bible Belt, no mention of LGBT, kink, or less 'vanilla,' heterocentric issues.

Not the best foundation for sexual liberation and exploration.

So yeah. Dating was tough, and I only ever had two exes. My boyfriend in high school was a gentleman and our relationship was very innocent, far healthier than the following one. The guy I dated in college was not right for me at all, and had a tendency to push the envelope which I, desperate as I was to address my hormonal feelings, was only too willing to allow. If I had been able to either speak freely and frankly about sex, not had the massive hangups I had due to my upbringing, then I probably wouldn't been nearly so preoccupied with seeing what I could get away with. Nothing permanent or serious, just some touching, that seemed horrendously shameful at the time and I was desperate to hide. I regularly got grilled by a parent about whether or not things had 'gotten out of hand' or 'been stupid' or if we had been alone. This parent had been more rebellious than me at my age and I think it was an attempt to really force me to be different. The entire time, though, I knew that I had a very high sex drive, and got something of thrill out of looking at pictures of toys- not even porn, just toys!- in secret. This curiousity is what made integrating toys into our life such a natural step, as I never lost it after marriage.

Somehow, I managed to keep my virginity intact. I ended up marrying my best friend, who lived on the other side of the world and had known me for many years. In a way, it was nice, as my fiance a couple years later was also a virgin. We had pretty clean slates. I don't give a toss about length and girth because all I know is that my husband's equipment is perfect for me.

But on the other hand, I went through so much mental anguish and had to deal with so much fallout as a result of the mindset that made me both so rebellious and so concerned with my virginity... we have talked about it, and are going to raise our own kids differently. I don't understand how a ring suddenly means that anything goes, and without the ring, it's all wrong and unnatural. That's a really toxic viewpoint, and not one I want to pass on. It stops with me. There is nothing shameful about abstaining, but it has to be because the person wants to, not because they feel they have no choice. All that forced abstinence did was make me fear discovery of my single-minded obsession with sex. I desperately wanted what I wasn't allowed to have.

I still have issues with masturbation. It's not something I can do without feeling guilt or a small sense of wrongness if I'm not completely alone. If I'm by myself, it's fine, but even when I'm practically aching for it and my husband is too tired, it still feels wrong.

But there is a bright side to it all, I guess. My spouse is a big part of that, as he's been very gentle and patient with me over the years, and thanks to his tenderness I have never, ever felt trepidation in bed with him. My upbringing had a big potential to mess me up when it came time to actually have sex, but our wedding night was amazing in every possible way, because my husband helped me drop my baggage at the hotel room door. Both of us were nervous, and that might be why it was so easy.

I submitted this and then realized that I never answered the question. Yes and no- I was not allowed to be naughty before my current partner, which made me seek out what little I could get in secret. On the other hand, being a virgin when I got married, married to another virgin, and still harboring a lot of curiousity, I finally am feeling liberated (thanks to my husband and in no small part to Lovehoney) to really enjoy sex, explore it, and keep it fresh and exciting.

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I definitely had a naughty streak in me before my current partner, but I never let it show, as I was never comfortable enough in my relationship ....

That has changed rather rapidly with my OH now - I don't know where it's come from, but WOW I'm pleased I've found it!

before all my partners lol

Mox.. Welcome to the forums, and that was a very candid a real view of your life in the sexual sense.
Thank you for sharing.πŸ˜‰
I think for some of us older posters... We got a different type of view on sex, and what we should/ should not do than kids these days....
I remember the interrogations from my parents too... But I sure didn't wait till I got hitchedπŸ˜€
As soon as I got a real bf.. About 18/19.. I was truelly at itπŸ˜‰
College.... Damn I got naughty...
I congratulate you on getting to wedding day still a virgin... I hope you find your naughty side here...πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‡

I definitely have been. It's been great!

I lived at home right up until I got married, then moved to another continent!

Thank you for opening up the topic. Sorry if it was meant to be lighthearted and I'm being a total wet blanket. It was really cathartic to write. :)

There is criticism of purity culture in the media but mostly only the extreme version of it, not the milder one I grew up with. I don't know if it's an American thing or what. Thankfully curiosity is a really strong force. I got off easy (pun intended).

I became naughty while I was with my ex, in spite of him! We were together for 16 years, during which time he was constantly unfaithful. I hadn't'realised what he was up to for most of those years, he was very discreet, but when the sex tailed off I had to do something. Now, I never learned how to masturbate when I was young. No great hang ups or anything like that, it just didn't happen. Strong sex drive my whole adult life, but never self pleasure, until my late thirties, when in sheer frustration I went to an Anne Summers shop and bought a vibrator. The very action of doing this and walking home with it had me so horny that I experimented and learned so much and had brilliant orgasms!
We split, and my newly awakened libido drove me to get a fuckbuddy, and for six months I had the dirtiest and best sex possible! I tried anal for the first time, wore sexy clothing, and learnt to masturbate in front of him, and he loved it!
I then had another partner who had me going to a spa which was strictly no costumes and walking around strangers naked, which brought out my exhibitionism. He also got me in a threesome (mmf). Mmmmm!
Now, I'm finally with the love of my life, eleven years together and still having wonderful sex, but this time round with a lovely collection of toys from Lovehoney, and plenty of solo play too.

1st boyfriend was boring tried to spice it up wasnt interest , 2nd we meet oon here so we both where kinky was ace loved it open my eyes to being naughty and also being loved 3rd who is my current and last and only as ii will marry him we are exploring more together its ace love it open and relaxed and enjoying being naughty

I thought I was naughty until I encountered you lot. Turns out I'm a boring old shite. I'm working on it though.

Nice to Hear your all loved up KF.