Why do women prefer solo sex over having intercourse with a partner?

Hi @svenbjornsson

You’ve asked ‘why do women prefer solo sex…’ when the source you’ve chosen suggests that the majority don’t!

This question is bugging me too. Most people desire both, so why view this as ‘devastating’?

I, and many others view masturbation as a safe way for people to learn about their bodies, sexual desires, and physical limitations. For many it’s a way to explore solo, what they often desire to act on with another person. But it’s also a healthy and fun activity in itself.
Sex with another person is way more complicated, nuanced, risky, exciting, and also for most people, according to your own chosen source, more desirable.

I myself was a late starter when it came to really learning about my own orgasm/ejaculation, different types of stimulation, the difference between porn/fictional sex and real life, and my bodies true sexual potential and limitations. To be fair, I‘m still learning!

The end goal for me personally remains fulfilling partnered sex, but I consider it important to do a bit of both.

When it comes to sex with my wife: we‘ve had really great sex. We‘ve had really really disappointing sex. And it is often more complicated than solo sex, but over the years it’s been getting better and better through open and honest communication.

We‘re still learning loads about each other after more than a decade together.
And the challenge, the dance, if you like is what makes it so compelling, exciting, and ultimately thrilling & satisfying.

I find it encouraging to think that the majority of women ultimately desire the more complex form of sexual expression over the simpler one, in spite of any potential sexual trauma, knocks to their confidence, or feeling judged.
I also take heart from the fact that women are now relatively free and confident with expressing their desires, or lack of it, so we can listen and learn from them, and with them.

This, and the word ‘frigidity’ gives me chills :cold_face:. It speaks to me of a culture of judging women for ‘witholding’ sex, and this being viewed as a ‘disorder’.

In my view, partnered sex is an act of consensual and mutual desire and arousal that is built together through sharing a connection, and shared willingly by all involved if all goes well.
We should be very very careful about labelling the lack of desire, or consent as a ‘disorder’.
Not desiring and/or consenting to sex is a fundamental basic principal of communicating when something is not quite right, and must be respected. It’s a vital opportunity to listen and learn.

Sex is an intimate activity. Intimacy implies risk. We have to accept that risky things go wrong and we’re making ourselves vulnerable in doing so.

For good sex, in my opinion, closeness is also vitally important: building closeness is about comfort, trust and reassurance.

How can we ever expect to build this closeness while holding onto suspicions and judgements of a partner with respect to ideas of ‘frigidity’ or suspecting rejections & micro rejections are part of some ‘Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorders’?

Can you remember a time before you held these views? What has happened that has driven you towards these negative feelings towards women?

I’m genuinely asking honestly here.


I think surveys like this can be extremely sketchy at best.
How many women took part in the survey.
What age were they.
What type of relationship we’re they in
Was the survey conducted nationwide
What spread of social groups were involved.
Was it diverse in racial / cultural content.

So many factors can have a huge influence on a survey.


Ain’t that the truth! :wink:


Very nicely put @Knottydevil, I could try for days (and still fail) to get across the points you’ve made in the way you have, without coming across as rude or judgmental - very well written!!
@Iwill yep defo, lovely thing about stats, they can be used to paint any picture you want!


I dont masturbate regularly but when I do its because I want a quick, clean and guaranteed orgasm. Nothing compares to the real thing though!

That article doesn’t surprise me as it’s much easier generally to sexually satisfy yourself via masturbation than with a partner.

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You know the saying “There are lies, damn lies and statistics”

I find these posts pretty pointless and it’s as if they’re designed to rile people. Always by “new” members who never seem to participate in other topics.


Yep indeed, I got suckered into this one, only as I was finishing reply I realized most likely click baiting for people to actually open article etc.,
Normally very mindful of that kind of jazz, but LH Forums I haven’t seen it happening. Once bitten and all that @WillC

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There has been many devastating incidences over the year but women preferring sole sex over having intercourse is NOT one of them. Stats can be shown to give you the information you want and to be honest WHO CARES. I think the post is only trying to get a reaction, like their previous post as well.


Life is too short for me to be ‘devestated’ by any facts or surveys published on the Internet.

As Abraham Lincoln said 70% of Internet statistics are made up on the spur of the moment.


No that was Winston Churchill! :wink:


I think in this case that is a little unfair. @svenbjornsson did have other topics but for reasons we can’t discuss now Brenna closed them. I think maybe he is younger than a lot of us, fairly inexperienced and just wants to learn and that should be applauded.

Personally I agree these types of articles quoting made up facts and spouting statistics picked specifically to make their point do not help anyone but hopefully the answers here give a more balanced view on what real people find.

Personally I prefer sex with my OH to masturbation because sex is about more than an orgasm… for a fast, press the button, get the job done then yes, a toy can get me there quicker but that’s not the point of sex.

ETA True statistics can be used to portray very misleading information as shown here!


Societal attitudes have not changed at all, young people today have less sexual contact than twenty years ago,so your strange theories about a film or generally the attitude towards gender are insignificant even the opposite is true.

Yes,frigidity is a medical term:

One survey of 2,207 women found that 26.7% of premenopausal women and 52.4% of menopausal women experience frigidity and HSDD.
Prevalence of Low Sexual Desire and Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder in a Nationally Representative Sample of US Women

The initial question about masturbation is quite clear and unambiguous in my opinion

My wife very rarely masturbates. However penetrative sex will only result in orgasms after an orgasm achieved via her womaniser. So she uses that whilst I add extra stimulus via my tongue until she orgasms hard. Then I penetrate to help her to extra bonus multiple orgasms. Rarely we have a quicky and it does nothing for her.

Nevertheless, the number is very high and one may ask for the reasons for it, right here.
It is problematic because there is a conflict of interest,it’s not just the partner that women don’t prefer - it’s men in general, no matter which one.

These diseases are medically and psychoanalytically proven and have been recognized as such to mention these may still be allowed especially in this context and this discussion. calling sex a shared activity may be a romantic idea but science confirms that the “preoptic area”, responsible for the sex drive, is larger in men than in women, a conflict of interests here as well.

I treat the subject rationally and objectively and draw my conclusions about what this means for a society and a partnership particularly.It is commendable that you are trying to protect women but it is out of place in this discussion and also irrelevant in its context.

After all, this is not about me or my relationship,it’s not just the partner that women don’t prefer - it’s men in general, no matter which one. in men the preoptic are, responsible for the sex drive, is larger than in women,it is a discrepancy that implies that women prefer to masturbate with a device than have real sexual contact with their partners.Your argument about the social change is not true, young people have less sex now than twenty years ago.

Maybe some women have just had enough of SOME types of men:
The way they treat them
Their views
Their values
The way they objectify women
Their abuse
Their immaturity
Their controlling behaviour
The way they lie and cheat

Maybe some women have been through so much with men, that they would much rather just get their enjoyment from a toy where they don’t have to deal with any of the above.

Why should we be pressured into having sex, if you don’t put the effort in to make us want it?
Guys often just need a quick release - but women need more stimulation, to feel relaxed, well connected, happy and comfortable to really enjoy making love.
If some men spent more time pleasing their woman instead of themselves - then she would be begging for more…am I wrong?

Maybe some men just don’t know how to satisfy a women to the fullest - so why can’t they turn to a toy for a great orgasm? It’s not doing any harm, I mean - what’s the point in them bringing out all these amazing new toys if we can’t use them.

You say that there is a discrepancy in male and female sex drives (which isn’t true for everyone of course) and that this is some kind of issue.
But maybe there are various discrepancies in other areas of their relationships which also contributes to the difference in sex drives.

You can’t just look at this from one angle - instead of reading these articles that you plucked out of nowhere.
Speak to some real women and listen to them - then you might start to learn and understand.

This thread may interest you, it contains information/thoughts/honesty from real people!


I‘m afraid I disagree entirely.
For one thing: The #metoo movement has highlighted the vast scale of sexual abuse, harassment and assault, directed mostly at women, and perpetrated overwhelmingly by men.
After the world learned about Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Cosby, Larry Nasser, etc, I would argue that social attitudes have shifted significantly.
Awareness and discussion of fundamental issues of consent and agency, for example


This bit I can relate to.
I totally disagree with your use of divisive language such as ‘disease/ disorders’ however.

There can be conflicts of interest, but it is up to the individuals to be open about their desires, discover common interests and negotiate/ discuss where desires are not being met.

If sex-drives or particular desires are mis-matched, altruistic favours may be on the cards, however if the mis-match is too great, I‘d say it‘s time to move on and find a better match.

It boils down to open and honest communication, mutual consent, mutual attraction and mutual desire, in my opinion.

Right, just popping in with my two cents here.

Just because a preference is expressed, it doesn’t then follow that these people don’t enjoy sex. I LOVE strawberry ice cream, it doesn’t mean I hate vanilla ice cream, I really enjoy it actually. I’d happily devour a bowl of either - or even better add them together for a fantastic ice cream experience!

Sex IS a shared activity. Both parties need to consent to it for it to be sex. It is not a “romantic idea”, without both people happily consenting - it is not sex, it is rape.