Biggest Sexual Disappointment

I can’t believe this one didn’t make the cut. :slightly_smiling_face:

Particularly, " I could smell his stench. Damp, sweaty, earthy and kind of mouldy - like someone had used gym socks to wipe the sweat off their ballsack after a week-long festival without access to shower or soap." :slightly_smiling_face:


@Ian_Chimp Hahaha so true! It’s just such a long story and I didn’t feel like spending half an hour typing. :sweat_smile: I’m so happy you could find and link to it. It was SO bad!


@DLJL yup, happened to me as well. Got scolded by a lady walking her dog with I’m assuming her partner who was happily watching until she noticed and gave him a slap around the back of his head.
I stick to night time outdoor fun now :flushed:


@Peitho I found that with the we-vibe 4. :frowning:


I’ve been dying to try a We-Vibe couples toy but something stops me.

I couldn’t get on with the original Nova but love the Tango, Melt, Touch, Rave, Vector and even the Wand. I’d never have bought the Wand as they’re not a sure thing for me but I got offered one from an ex and love it.

I’m so glad I read this thread now. The Chorus is still on my wishlist but I’ll wait for a good offer as I can’t afford an expensive dud at the mo.

So the Nova was the most over-hyped (in my mind) and disappointing toy but my biggest sex disappointment was an over-hyped guy I’d fancied for years. When we finally got down to it while his parents were out I ended up in his bedroom wondering if I’d landed in an alternate reality. It looked like Barbie’s! Everything was pink except the beer mats tacked on the wall. Really NOT what I expected from a good-looking, experienced and quite alpha bloke.

The sex was abysmal. Cured my crush on the spot.


Should have used it to your advantage, kept
Subtly teasing until they left to really ramp it up :wink:


VR don’t write We-Vibes off completely. From reviews some people find them amazing. I’m just not one of those people but everyone is different :woman_shrugging:t2:


Cumming before we’d even got the condom on when I was very inexperienced…

It was a long time ago!


The aneros. I’ve tried multiple models. Every technique. It just does absolutely nothing for me every single time without fail.


This… along with sex in sea. Water never seems to make better,


The only time that comes to mind is when, a long time ago, a long kissing session (no touching) resulted in him cumming in his boxers. There were intentions for it to go further but that pretty abruptly ended things. He still only lives down the road and I still bump into him occasionally. I do wonder if that’s what he thinks of when he sees me… because it sure is when I see him :joy:


Me too. I’ve not specifically tried any of the Aneros range, but so far, the devices I’ve tried (from a little back door buzzer to a big ridged thing with plenty of power) that are aimed at p-spot stimulation have left me thinking “…and the point of this is…?” I keep wondering whether my prostate is in a different place from most guys - or if it’s there at all! I seem to get most fun from stimulation of the anal sphincter itself: deeper stuff does nothing for me. That’s why I’m intrigued by the b-vibe:

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My ex boyfriend. We didn’t even get as far as penetration… he couldn’t even find my clit during foreplay, I had to show him :woman_facepalming:

And when he did know where it was, he literally pressed it a few times it was some type of button then proceeded to finger me. I just gave up and dumped him a few weeks after.

He’s married now (**EDITED BY MOD **) and recently sent me a Fb message being a smart ass saying how good of a bf he was lol

so I simply said least I’m with a guy who can sexually satisfy me and then blocked him XD


I think we’ve all been a bit inexperienced at some point. :slightly_smiling_face: Hopefully he and his wife have worked a few things out in the meantime. :+1:


Please remember that everyone has to start somewhere when it comes to sex, and it’s important that we don’t make those with a lack of knowledge or experience feel ashamed of that - learning and discovering together is part of the fun! We like to create a welcoming non-judgemental environment here that is open to everyone. Thank you for your understanding :slight_smile:


After getting divorced I took over a year off from having anything to do with any women . Then started having some sexual encounters . One girl that ran with our group was super small and sexy as hell . Had known her for some time and one day asked her if she would like to have sex . She did and I may not be hung like a porn star , but my organ did not plan playing in a cathedral . And she was the most uninspired woman I ever slept with .
Fleshlite was my biggest disappointment for toys .

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Completely agree with this. We have a few aneros models. New ones get bought in case the slight difference in shape makes any sort of difference. They haven’t so far. Very frustrating given some of the experiences that people clear have with them. At best so far PIV sex with aneros has felt perhaps slightly better, but that’s about all… :pensive:

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I’m another who had high hopes for one of the We-Vibe couples’ toys - couldn’t get on with it at all so I swapped it under the old Happiness Promise for my first glass dildo (and what a find that was! Happy ending…)


Mine was first 3 some with my gf other lad was like a horse she loved it made me feel like a tic tac haha not a good feeling watching ur woman scream with joy on monster cock lol good job im not jealous type ha


If I’m being honest it’s being a virgin till I met my wife at 27. (Yea I was heading towards the 30 year old virgin​:joy:). Had severe confidence issues and would never approach a woman, and if any did with me I’d ruin it. Feel I missed out on so much in my life. Glad I’ve got a son, I’ll be teaching him to never turn anything down