Eunuch what people think about it?

@lumberjack is there anyway you can put a claim in if this is a side effect that you were not informed about?

If it has contributed to the break up of your marriage and you are in constant daily pain it might be worth looking into getting legal advice?

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No offence taken it’s fine I understand

Gone down that road as well and it lead to a dead end.

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It sounds reasonable to remove the source of pain but I’d want to know as much as possible about what’s causing the pain and where it’s located to ensure it’d actually get removed.

For me personally, it wouldn’t bother me at all in a potential partner as long as it was done for medical reasons and being in constant pain is clearly a medical reason. I absolutely get the feeling of just wanting rid of a part of you that is causing only pain.

When you bought up the topic earlier it seemed to be more from a kink or fetish point of view and I admit I found this a bit odd. As you’ve further elaborated, I’ve understood and see your reasons and desire for the removal. As a potential partner, I think I would want to know the reasons but would then be completely fine with it. I should say, I’m childless and absolutely don’t want children. I really don’t think it would be an issue for any potential partners unless they want children, which obviously wouldn’t be a change for you anyway having already had thd vasectomy.

I do not think you should worry just be prepared to have the conversation with a partner ahead of hitting the bedroom.


It is definitely my testicles that are the cause and I hope and pray that getting rid of the once and for all will stop the pain.

I have had nerve blocks with local anaesthetics when they did some of the investigations and when they severed the nerve and had no pain at all then but came back when the local anaesthetic stopped working.

I am hoping to have the procedure done under local Anaesthesia as it will be cheaper and recovery would be quicker.

No it is definitely not for kink or fetish reasons I want to get castrated. The only thing that I supposed could be seen as that is me wanting to get my scrotum removed and not wanting prosthetic balls. But that is just I don’t want loads of flapping skin and foreign objects in my body. Aesthetically I would prefer it as well so I suppose you could say that is a bit strange.

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Have you tried Botox? I wonder if that would work?! I know you can get it in your armpits to stop sweating, but it works like an anaesthetic I think?? Sorry, I haven’t googled, just thinking out loud!

No I haven’t that is a new one on me. I would have thought it would have been mentioned in the consultations I have had if it was a possibility of helping but will look it up.

Putting to one side the pain issue (and don’t really understand why the NHS would without suggesting an alternative), going back to your initial question.

As I understand it, it is normal for ‘fake balls’ to be used to replace the testicle(s) removed for medical reasons so as far as any present or future partner is concerned there is no aesthetic difference and there should be still the same slapping (@valbowski77)

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I don’t want prosthetic balls that is something I have really thought about don’t like the idea of it

I get where you’re coming from but prosthetic balls would avoid any partner raising the question and leave it up to you if and when to mention it.

I’m not offering medical advice but if there’s any chance the pain could be due to scar tissue or clots you might want to look into Serrapeptase - it cleared my wife’s varicose veins in days. Just beware if using blood pressure lowering drugs that it could also clear clots from your arteries and lower it further.

I don’t want to have those prosthetic balls inside my body. my balls have given me a decade of pain. The point of the original post was what would people think if they found out there new date had no balls ie a eunuch. it makes the surgery about £500 more expensive

I have had every test under the sun I have had 3 surgeries to try to sort this out my scrotum looks really abnormal now it is baggy with a cut down the centre which is got a big indent where the 3 surgery’s have happened it is a mess. The scarring has not helped the pain but it is definitely my balls that are hurting. The surgery’s have left my balls fixed in the scrotum as well so I have to put on really tight boxers to hold them up to stop them being moved around wile walking. My scrotum gets very sore with all the heat from the summer heat it is really miserable as you can tell.

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@lumberjack I really feel for you.

If I was single and met a guy I was interested in at my age (45). Them having no acorns wouldn’t bother me at all.

I think you would need to be upfront before any intimacy so this didn’t come as a shock at all.

Think of it this way, if you met a lady who had breasts removed for health reasons, Im sure this wouldn’t be a deal breaker.

Good luck and hope your issues are resolved soon x


It is like a woman who has had a mastectomy and doesn’t want to have a reconstruction.


I am with you mrs John I would go as far to say it might be an advantage!! as you will be sure you wouldn’t get pregnant, no ball slapping, no getting in the way, no stinky sweaty balls yuk!!, smoother appearance, (personally don’t like the look of ball bags :joy:). Just my personal opinion you understand.


A previous partner had a partial mastectomy before I knew her and told me ‘things might look a little different’ the 1st time we got to that stage. She hadn’t wanted reconstructive surgery and was just concerned that it would affect how I felt about her.

@lumberjack, if you are in pain that hasn’t been resolved by a number of operations then then the people you need to go to are doctors. I assume there are professionals who can discuss with you the practical and emotional issues of implants as part of the service.

I have got lots of doctors to see me none have supported me having a bilateral orchidectomy much less understanding my decision to not have prosthetic balls and rather remove my loose scrotal skin. I am having to look to go to the Philippines, USA or Eastern Europe to get it done privately

you look like you understand me. What would you say if a eunuch dated you? Would you be interested honestly? Or are you just being nice?

Any how thanks for your comments and the mastectomy analogy I couldn’t have explained it better myself.

Does anyone else have a dislike for balls and sacks ?

I feel like if something had caused me enough pain for long enough to want to travel abroad for surgery my least concern would be if a partner would find it unappealing. If it is real that painful my only concern would be to pain free.

It is like most other things, for some it will be a deal breaker, for some they won’t care either way and some would find it a bonus.

The right person will just be happy that you are healthy and pain free and if as others have said it is a deal breaker then they are not the right person for you.