Impending snip

Hi in my experience the same but without the fear of unplanned events, if anything it makes sex more enjoyable as I do not have to worry. :+1:

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You wouldn’t be able to tell any difference without a microscope.

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This puts my mind at rest for the future! Thank you

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Anyone else had this done recently? About to book mine and was wondering:

  • Do I need to be accompanied immediately afterwards? Presumably I’m ok getting taxi back. Due to my wife’s job/childcare she’s unlikely to be able to come along *

  • Exercise - cycling, official recommendation is 4 weeks which seems long - is it to do with making contact with saddle? *

  • Will refrain from sex for few days as per advice but do you get pain from erections in first few days after op? *

Sad to hear your man won’t budge. Doesn’t he realise the benefits? Just drop the trousers and go! No need to stop and grab a condom, can kill the mood at times.
Had it done 3 years ago, similar situation, nearly lost wee one and the missus, so had to stop family planning. Have two wee ones, so we have a family. And since getting snipped, have lots of fun with no fears.
Maybe he fears loss of ‘being a man’ which is a load of crap. Has no effect on hormones or sex drive.


Welcome to the gang.

You will be a bit tender afterwards, so make sure you wear supportive briefs / jockstrap. Helps eliminate any movement.
As for saddle, everyone is different, took me 14 weeks due to the skin not healing properly, required stitches twice!
When you get home, just make sure the missus behaves and doesn’t tease you :wink: nothing worse than being hard and too sore to use it. After a few days of self love, she could maybe help.

All the best, and enjoy the freedom afterwards.

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My husband has finally agreed to the snip … yay


Ah thats good @FortySomethingWife :tada:

I’m in the U.S., so YMMV as far as procedure, but for me it was maybe a 20-30 minute outpatient procedure with a snip and cauterization and then about 2-3 weeks recovery time.

I highly recommend getting a few bags of frozen peas and alternating 30-60 minutes with them on and then off. The worst part for me was being SUPER horny during the recovery period and not being able to do anything. There was also slight amount of discomfort and some bruising for a while, but it’s now been several months post-op and everything is back to normal.

One other thing to note is that you may end up with a sperm granuloma, which is basically just a small, hard lump in the scrotum. This happened to me and while not particularly noticeable visually, if you engage in a lot of testicular play it will be something new. As my doctor told me when I had it checked to be sure it wasn’t cancer or anything, “it’s just your new normal” :man_shrugging: .

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Glad to hear he came to his senses.
Now it’s your job to stock up on lube, condoms, new lingerie… :thinking: Times are gonna get busy under the bedsheets :wink::kissing_heart:


Oooo I hope so !


Hi George Caplan. I had my snip done (crickey!) back in the eighties. So firstly I can say that for me at least there were absolutely no long term side effects. As for the procedure the local anaesthetics were excellent (and will be even better now) so it was totally painless although during the op I occasionally felt some unpleasant tugging sensations. After was not as bad as expected my instant remedy was to put on a pair of loose shorts and retire to a “do not enter” room with plenty of rations and paracetomol, lie down on the bed shut away from my OH and my dog ensuring no arousal or physical contact. For me the op healed quite quickly and I was having gentle “controlled” sex after 5 days.
Never looked back.
I’m sure that you’ve given due consideration and been advised by your Doc but remember be aware this is permanent and very difficult to reverse. So if you are sure, go for it!! Good luck

All the best Sensual Guy

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Of course nowadays, you also have the option of freezing some of your sperm in case you do change your mind about kids in future.

Ideally done -prior- to the snip, of course…! :slight_smile:

I also had mine done in the eighties and have never looked back, possibly one of my better decisions as a young man. Enjoy

So today was FINALLY the day. Non scalpel method. Was very scared and squeamish about having my balls zapped with a laser but other than the injection it was painless.

I’m now sat at home with a bag of frozen veg on my crotch but honestly no pain at all. Discomfort yes but not pain.

Definitely the right decision for our family. Looking forward to being condom free in 3 months. Got a couple of days off work to chill.

Thanks for advice and help. It has been comforting knowing how many men have had this done and how positive it was


@George_Kaplan well done and hope it went well you are now in the Jaffa club with those whom have had that shared experience

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Congrats! Got mine done just about 2 years ago (right before all the lockdowns). Was great to not have to worry about buying condoms in the midst of all the supply chain issues! No regrets here at all. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have more questions for us who’ve gone through before!

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I had the snip 15 years ago just after my second child was born. The only problem I had was I was stupid enough to play football the day after which made it very sore for a few days. Since then no problems whatsoever.

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I like the sound of the non scalpel method what’s that ? I’m thinking of getting the snip

It is a procedure where there’s an injection into the sac and then once numb a small opening then another cut is then made and the tube is then cut and tied or cauterised and sealed.
Don’t look it up just have a consultation with the oh and your doc , for me it was what I needed to do and the right choice ! I must add we have had 4 kids so this was a decision made and agreed by the both of us :+1:

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