Just when things are getting back on track

Thanks mate it’s just a scan for the specialist consultant ready for Wednesday consultation :+1: @WillC clean boxers ready for tomorrow lol


Sure they’ve seen skidders before @Gazza_64

No seriously my friend we’re all rooting for ya…you take care and good luck



Hun @CurvyJilly not mine they haven’t my Mrs won’t let me go without changing them first lol thanks :kissing_heart:


Only just seen this! Sorry to hear it mate! I’m absolutely sure you’ll get through this though mate! Keep on with the Positive thoughts mate! Obviously you already know everyone here is 100% with you! Stay strong mate :muscle:t3::+1:t3:


From someone who has been where you are now, albeit a different cancer, I understand. What I can say, the early days of diagnosis were by far the darkest for me. The fear, the unknown, the uncertainty, I hear you. Once I had a treatment plan it was still tough, I won’t deny it, but it was easier than the before. It gave me a focus and each hurdle was a goal.

I’m now 6 years on from those dark days, I still think about it but it doesn’t consume my every thought any more. You will get there, I remember hearing other peoples survival stories and couldn’t think beyond it for me, but I’m still alive and appreciate my life more.

If I can help, please reach out, I might not have the answers, but I understand.

Lots of love


Hi @Gazza_64 everyone is trying to give you support over this very stressful and working time. We are rooting for you and wish you well.

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@steve19 I know mate and it is really appreciated and thanks to everyone who is , I am sat on the car park treating myself to a little cry before I go in for my C T scan I think I deserve it lol .


Stay strong!

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No shame in crying @Gazza_64 it’s only human. We are all here for you and will support you in any way we can. :hugs::hugs::hugs:


Indeed :muscle:
Think it might be tonsillitis as my dangle bit is sore and tonsils are very swollen with white blotches on them, but the worst part is I’ve been tossed pillar to post trying to get to see a doctor and no one is being helpful at all and as a last resort I’ve had to call 111 to get help :face_with_spiral_eyes:


@AJSTAR hopefully it has eased a little by now :crossed_fingers: good luck and keep going we are all here for you @WillC thanks mate just a bit of lull first thing in the morning done for now on to the next step on Wednesday meeting the doctor who will perform my op :muscle:


Sending all my love to you @Gazza_64 and totally commend your bravery :two_hearts:


By luck I got seen at the hospital which took me less than 5 mins for a doctor to say yep it’s bad case of tonsillitis and gave me some antibiotics, already starting to feel better and am planing on submitting a complaint to my local surgery as it shouldn’t have taken me so much effort to try get seen and then resort to taking up a medical hospital doctors time when they’ve got patients to look after :expressionless:


@AJSTAR well done for getting seen to, and hopefully the Antibiotics will start to work quickly, as for the making a complaint I would definitely make them aware of the outcome and their failure to test you accordingly ! Good luck another little win :trophy: :+1:

So sorry to hear @Gazza_64. You always seem really upbeat and positive so I know you’ll get though this. I hope you have a good support system around you- you’ll always have the forum! Sending lots of hugs and support xx


Hi all a quick update after this afternoons festivities with the surgeon he has explained the procedure and status to me and the Mrs , nothing has really changed in relation to what we knew , appointment for pre op with in 2 to 3 weeks surgery should be with a 4 week period then once completed a further 4 to 6 weeks recoup so hopefully all done dusted in the New Year the Tumour is 6 1/2 cm and is localised in my left kidney ( I won this bet which side it was in against my mrs ) so removal is imminent and the best procedure for me ! :muscle: thanks for all your support again :kissing_heart:


Good luck @Gazza_64 we’re all rooting for you.


Thanks mate I appreciate it :muscle: @WillC


Thanks for giving us the update @Gazza_64
Best of luck! :hugs:

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Great news, good luck

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