Classic Wand Owners - we need your help!

Hey All,

I am looking for some reviewers who already own the Lovehoney Classic Wand and would be interested in providing some comparrison feedback! Normal One Month deadline for these ones.


Mains Powered Wand Vibrator - Silicone Head

If this sounds like something you would like to test, then comment down below and I may be in touch!

Status: :lovehoney_heart: Secret Deadline: :green_heart: One Month

Some points to remember:

  • Make sure you have live reviews - You will not be picked otherwise.
  • These items are Secret Testers - Do not post about them anywhere inc the forum until they are potentially live.
  • Make sure your address is up to date - We can only send to what you have listed in your account.
  • Ensure you can review the item in the time frame required - If you think it is not possible please do not put your name forward. Also please make sure you can test the item selected.

For more detailed info check out the The Great Big Review and Testing Guide


Hey @Lovehoney_Brenna, We’ve had the Classic Wand for many a year! It doesn’t get as much love anymore as it used to as the OH prefers the silicone feel of the “Mantric Wand” - so we’d be very interested in trying the Mains Powered Wand Vibrator - Silicone Head for you, maybe it’ll provide the “softer touch” that she prefers, but with the extra oompf of a mains powered wand!

Thanks as always for the opportunity

Hi Brenna. I’d be extremely interested as we reviewed the classic wand then didn’t use it for ages. Recently dug it out and although hardly used it no longer works :confused: tried the fuse but just dead. Weird as it’s been just stored away since the last use.

More than happy to help out @Lovehoney_Brenna . Our classic wand gets used mostly to massage away more “normal” aches and pains these days but it does get used on other aches too :joy:

We have one of these :smile:
It dose not get as much game time since the rechargble but still happy to compare.

We have one of those bad boys @Lovehoney_Brenna

Classic wand owner - very frequent users both male and female. Lots of attachments and more than happy to test!

Hi Brenna I have the classic wand its my go too toy would only be to pleased to help out and test dead line no problem


Hi Brenna, we have the classic wand and happy to a comparison test and review

Would be happy to test out the

Already own the classic wand, and some attachments, so can compare the two. Thanks for the opportunity :slightly_smiling_face:

Love a wand.

Happy to test and review Mains Powered Wand Vibrator - Silicone Head

Thanks Brenna good luck all!


Definitely interested, we have two different wands including the classic, would love to test the mains!!


We have the pink version of the classic, would be happy to compare.

Thanks :blush:

I volunteer! Had the classic wand for a long time and still an old favourite x

Evening Brenna,

We have the classic plug in love honey wand and would love to do a comparison for you.

Thank you

I have the classic wand currently and would love to be considered to compare against the new one

Hi Brenna, we also have the Lovehoney classic wand and would be happy to compare and write a review if selected. Thank you!

I have had my trusted mains powered classic wand for 6 years now and it’s still my go to wand for solo pleasure. I would be very happy to compare the two. Thankyou for the opportunity

Mains Powered Wand Vibrator - Silicone Head

Binned ours last week after the dog chewed it :joy::dog:


We would be happy to compare with our current model of the mains wand.

Mains Powered Wand Vibrator - Silicone Head