The Sandbox

Yes @Ian_Chimp i try to be positive, but i doubt i used 100 likes or even 50 a day!

Iā€™ll meet you there! :slightly_smiling_face:

To embed a link use the :link: in your reply format bar (in the section to the right of Quote/Bold/Italic).

You can paste your link in the URL box, and then type the text you want to display instead in the bottom box. :+1:

You can also start typing the title/keyword of a Topic in the URL box and itā€™ll suggest Topics you can tap on to auto-fill (including the display text). If you open it up and start typing ā€˜Sandboxā€™ you should see what I mean. :+1:

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Thank you - Iā€™ll give it a go.
I just have and it comes up with forum suggestions, not a link to the actual item.
Mantric bullet

Oh! I think I did it!?

@Ian_Chimp do you know how to find the old DOTD / toys on offer threads?
Iā€™ve just ordered todayā€™s glass dildo, but I canā€™t tell from the pics whether or not it has a pink tinge running through it - Iā€™m hoping so but donā€™t know where to ask and donā€™t want to start a new thread (or, is it ā€˜topicā€™ now?).

Okay, Iā€™m afraid that didnā€™t work. :slightly_smiling_face: For products youā€™d need to grab the address from the main product page like you used to. :+1:

The forum topics are the ones that are auto-fillable. :+1:

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Deal of the Day

Special offer toys you lover! :slightly_smiling_face:

Iā€™m pretty sure it doesnā€™t have a pink tinge. We have it (I think? We have so many itā€™s hard to remember :slightly_smiling_face:) and itā€™s clear glass, same as most of the others.

Itā€™s head itā€™s very bulbous. I think thatā€™s its main feature. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks for the links. Sounds like I was a bit trigger happy with todayā€™s DOTD :thinking:

This is from the special offer thread back in December. :slightly_smiling_face:

But you still need to do an embedded link. :slightly_smiling_face:

Put the product address in the top box:

And the text to display in the bottom box:

ā€˜Mantric Bulletā€™

Et voila!

Mantric Bullet

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Well, there you go - still toying with the idea, still not right for me. Iā€™ve cancelled my order :slightly_smiling_face:

@onlyones Iā€™ve replied in the Sandbox so you can have a play with it (if you fancy :slightly_smiling_face:).

Pop a forum link on a line all by itself


And itā€™ll look like this:

Rather than just


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i think this should count as sending a link

If you check out chlojakes review of the glass dildo dated 4th July 2020 she says it has a pink swirl going round it.

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It says I got mine for this post. ^

(you can check under:

Username ā†’ Summary ā†’ Badges

Scroll down to whichever Badge youā€™re interested in and click on the title (eg. First Link), and itā€™ll tell you the Topic where you received it, click on that link and itā€™ll take you to the post itself :+1:)

I thought Iā€™d got my badge for linking like @Ace12345 did above, but now Iā€™m not 100% sure? I think that way (according to Discobot) is called OneBoxing, and that was a separate Badge. I think LH have turned it off for external sites, as it only seems to work with forum ones.

If anyone knows better please let me know. :slightly_smiling_face:

I did see that - it is partly why I ordered it, but others say it is clear and I have a couple like that ( I think I have 8 glass dildos). I donā€™t get on well with broad diameters, so Iā€™ve decided to cancel the order. Thanks, tho x


Welcome to the Forum Pub(e) Quiz! :slightly_smiling_face:


Movie Trivia

Q. What Comedy-Western is this line from?

ā€œYeah, but I shoot with this handā€¦ā€

  • The Ridiculous 6
  • Blazing Saddles
  • A Million Ways to Die in the West
0 voters

And itā€™s an honesty poll, so no peeping. :slightly_smiling_face:


What did I just say about no peeping?

Oh, go on then. If you must. šŸ™‚

Blazing Saddles

Hi @Ian_Chimp Thanks for the tip.

@Ian_Chimp I see what you mean it is a much cleaner look thanks again. :+1:

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Testing voting visiblity ahead of bringing Desire Olympics back today, please vote on my silly question!

  • Fingers for toes
  • Toes for fingers

0 voters

1 Like

Darn I canā€™t see whoā€™s voting! @Ian_Chimp pls help! :joy:


I think you need to tick the Show who Voted box under the list field. :+1: (itā€™s grouped with the auto-close options)

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