I’ve been creating a few templates to make it a little easier for people to join in with some of the topics that need a flash of extra formatting (who doesn’t love a bit of copy and paste ). They’re getting a bit lost in The Sandbox, so I thought giving them their own topic may make them easier to find.
This is a template for the My Reviews topic. Just tap/click the clipboard icon in the top right corner and it will copy it in one click.
<small>by @username, Date of Review
[Product Name](Product Link)</small>
<div align="center">
Upload/paste the Lovehoney product image here.
(Suggested size 200x265)
<big>Review Title</big>
Add review text here
> **Overall Rating:** ? out of 5 stars
> **Pros:**
> **Cons:**
> **Bottom Line:**
And I’ll put a star grid in too, in case anyone fancies adding one of those in. You’ll need to amend the stars, and maybe add/remove an option or two depending on the item.
This is a Hidden Answer template for the Great Hump Day Quiz. Just tap/click the clipboard icon in the top right corner and it will copy it in one click.
[details="Answers to Hump Day Quiz"]
Geography 💙
Entertainment 💗
History 💛
Arts and Literature 💩
Science and Nature 💚
Sprot and Leisure 🧡
This is a template for adding a Deal of the Day post to one of the Special Offer topics. Not massively useful to everyone, but I’ll add it in anyhoo.
<div align="center">
<small>[date] </small>
<big>🌟<hairsp> <b>Deal of the Day</b> <hairsp>🌟</big>
Place image here (suggested size 200x265)
[Product Name](Product Link)
~~RRP~~ <big>DOTD price</big> (% off)
>Batteries Required: None (if a toy)
[poll name=dotd type=regular results=always public=true chartType=bar]
# **I own it and...**
* I recommend it 👍
* I am not a fan 👎
The results of [Round 14](https://lovehoneyforum.com/t/position-of-the-week-vote-for-the-winner/265981/182) are in.... 🥁🥁🥁
And The Cuddle Huddle has proved it's not just a one week wonder, winning its second round with a pretty decent [68% of 28 votes](https://lovehoneyforum.com/t/position-of-the-week-head-to-head/265981/182#poll14). It seems The Pillar hit some issues when everybody's cardboard position enhancer didn't provide the levitation they'd hoped... 🙂
So **The Cuddle Huddle** keeps its winner's laurels and comfortably strolls through to the next round. 🏆🎉
<div align="center">
<big><hairsp>🔔<hairsp> Round 15 <hairsp>🔔<hairsp></big>
Discobot has once again selected our new challenger, and today he has gone with number 61... [Hard Press](https://lovehoneyforum.com/t/positions-of-the-week/265814/62). 🎈🎉 So, up next is Hard Press from November 2019 facing off against The Cuddle Huddle, also from November 2019:
<div align="center">
Which will win..? You decide. 🙂
<a name="poll15"></a>
[poll name=poll15 type=regular results=always public=true chartType=bar]
*  <br>  [Hard Press](https://lovehoneyforum.com/t/positions-of-the-week/265814/64)
* <br>   [The Cuddle Huddle](https://lovehoneyforum.com/t/positions-of-the-week/265814/63)
>:lh_heart_grey: You don't need to have actually tried the position, you can judge it based just on the image (or the fuller description below). And if you do end up trying it, or someone says something in the comments that changes your mind, then you can always pop back and change your vote <small>(while the poll is open, of course).</small> 🙂
[quote="Ian_Chimp, post:62, topic:265814"]
<small>:lh_heart_purple: Lovehoney, 17 Nov 2019
[Back to 2019](https://lovehoneyforum.com/t/positions-of-the-week/265814/20)</small>

[Hard Press](https://www.lovehoney.co.uk/blog/best-sex-positions-hard-press.html)
[quote="Ian_Chimp, post:63, topic:265814"]
<small>:lh_heart_purple: Lovehoney, 24 Nov 2019
[Back to 2019](https://lovehoneyforum.com/t/positions-of-the-week/265814/20)\</small>

[The Cuddle Huddle]
<small>(You can click on the arrow in each quote header to expand them for the full info, and if you click on the image when expanded you can see it full size)</small>
This is a base template for a single-choice poll with images:
[poll name=poll1 type=regular results=always public=true chartType=bar]
# **Poll Question**
* Paste/Upload image here <br> [Text](Link)
* Paste/Upload image here <br> [Text](Link)
* Paste/Upload image here <br> [Text](Link)
Basically, paste/upload your image into your reply window and put it in the right place, add some option text in the [Text] brackets, and a link in the (Link) ones.
A good size for poll images is 150x200, or 125x166, depending on how many options you have.
Images need to be posted in one of the Your Photos threads, whichever one is most relevant.
Those posts are subject to moderation to ensure they meet the forum rules.
A review shouldn’t need a photo? A link to the product usually suffices, or a screenshot of the product on the LoveHoney website is acceptable.
@Cocoas posting a review on the forum won’t class as a review towards testing, if that’s what you’re looking to do. The review has to be on the LH website
How are you trying to upload the photo? If you are using Mr Chimp’s template above (which I always do) then on the line on it’s own where it says “Upload/Paste the Lovehoney Product image”, the easiest way is to just click the picture button below the reply box, this uploads your chosen picture. In the edit box this will appear as a line starting with an exclamation point followed by a square bracket description and a round bracket link but it does it all for you.
Yes im doing exactly that i even tried to paste but once the reviews done ready to post it says cant embed a media item in a post. I may just post Without the images. Thanks